Rick Joyner delves into what it takes to be a disciple, using the examples of Enoch and Elijah, and discusses common issues and the cure: God’s ways.
Rick Joyner continues to discuss the weightiest matter and the role of prophetic ministry in making the bride ready for her Bridegroom.
Rick Joyner revisits an experience he had with the Lord when he saw “the weightiest matter” and ties it in to prophetic words for today’s church—all in an effort to prepare...
Rick Joyner emphasizes that now, more than ever, it is crucial to intentionally pursue a deeper relationship with the Lord. Those who are called to be watchmen must earnestly seek spiritual gifts...
In this service, Rick Joyner lays out the vision given to him by the Lord for the future of the MorningStar School of the Prophets. The vision includes not only teaching, but will also...
In this rant, Rick shares the beginning of a fresh revelation from the Lord about these times. The Lord told Rick that we have entered into a new day. We are at the threshold of a move of...
Rick Joyner shares with our congregation the current state and future hope for MorningStar.
In today's Rant, Rick Joyner shares the importance of being thankful in all circumstances, reminding us that gratitude is key in our walk with God. He also gives an update on Moravian Falls and...