Rep. Louie Gohmert Skype-calls into the service with an encouraging message.
Rick Joyner speaks on uniting through the Oak initiative.
Rick Joyner talks about the origin of Th Oak Initiative and that it is time to stand up for America and it's constitution.
Michael DelRosso gives a short presentation on how America changed sides in a 10 year war, and no one noticed.
Following Michael's presentation, he is joined by Rick, Jerry, and Nicholas for a panel discussion and Q&A session.
Rick Joyner opens the conference with specific words about the prophetic.
Andrew Armstrong teaches of Elijah and Elisha, and the importance of the double portion.
Rick Joyner shares about the harvest and kingdom shall be preached throughout all nations. He says we need to see the great commission fulfilled.
Rick Joyner interviews former JAG lawyer, Don Brown, about Common Core, the Bathroom Bill, and multiple issues facing our nation and what we have to do to change them.
Rick Joyner talks about the four purposes of man anvd that we need to keep them the focul point of our lives.
Shawn Bolz then leads a prophetic ministry time, followed by a message on following our destinies.