The Army of God Part 7
At our special 10:30am service, Jennifer Heidel and Nichole Braash lead worship and Rick continues in his series, "The Army of the Dawn".
At our special 10:30am service, Jennifer Heidel and Nichole Braash lead worship and Rick continues in his series, "The Army of the Dawn".
In the first service back after our July Sabbatical, Molly Williams and Ashlee Hardee lead in passion-driven worship to our Lord. Afterward, Rick Joyner shares how we are in a time where we are called to build God's highway. He believes we are coming into a season in which we can "Fall Forward" and lean on heavens resources and not the systems of this world. We are building up!
Robert Rummage begins this message with a 10-minute talk on pro-life, what it means and standing for it.
Chris Updefraft leads a dynamic and powerful time of praise and worship. Rick Joyner talks about where we are as a church and ministry, and how this contributes to our effectiveness as a ministry to the world.
March 4th (Marching Forth): Rick tells us that we are a unique church. Most ministries are born out of churches, but MorningStar church was born out of a ministry. A unique birth means a unique opportunity. Rick believes for this church to march forth it will take prophets and teachers worshiping together. The church will now be the one leading the ministry instead of the ministry leading the church.
Mary Ann Hardiman speaks about our country’s identity and how the Founding Fathers established this country on the general principles of Christianity.
Worship leaders David Vallier and Amber Brooks welcome in the presence of God as they lead the congregation. Ray Dempsey, the 10 minute speaker, speaks on the law of reciprocity. Rick Joyner's message continues in the same vein as he emphasizes the importance of leaning on the Lord in these last days. He teaches that true prophetic insight is key to navigating the path the Lord is laying before us. Any discipline from the Lord comes because of His love for us - bringing His kingdom ways into our lives.
Molly Williams and Bethany Oiler lead worship with the songs, "Endless Love" "Without a Net" and "Faithful One." Rick Joyner continues his messages on the Prophetic history of MorningStar Ministries.