Jan 29
Rick Joyner

         Last week we began to address how “Jacob’s Ladder” is Jesus Himself, as we see in John 1:47-50. We are called to be the messengers who ascend on Him into the heavenly realm. The rungs on this Ladder are the progressive revelations of who Jesus is. We go up as we see Him as our Savior. We go higher as we come to know Him as our Lord. We go up when we see Him as the Good Shepherd, and we go higher when we know Him as the “Apostle and High Priest.” We go higher when we see Jesus as the Creator and the reason for the creation, as the Apostles John and Paul wrote.

         Hebrews 6:1 tells us that we are to “leave the elementary teachings about Christ” to go on to maturity. This does not mean we leave the teachings about Christ, but rather the elementary ones so that we can go on to more advanced teachings about Him. It is all about Jesus. We will never stop seeking to know Him better and abide in Him more fully. As we are members of His body, we ascend with Him and sit with Him on His throne in the heavenly places.

         As Jacob also saw the messengers descending upon the Ladder, His messengers descend to the earthly realm to bring evidence of the kingdom of heaven’s reality—and heaven’s authority over any condition on earth. Jesus did this as He walked the earth. He was abiding with the Father and doing on the earth what He saw the Father do in heaven.

         When Jesus healed a cripple, He could see what the Father was doing in heaven—there were no cripples there. If heaven touched a cripple on earth, then heaven’s authority over all healed the cripple here. Likewise, the devil and his demons had been cast out of heaven. So when the authority of heaven touched one who was demon possessed on the earth, the demons would be cast out.

         When He saw the people lacking food, there was no lack of anything in heaven. So He touched the little boy’s lunch with the authority of heaven. By this touch, there was not lack but rather an overflow. Once you open the windows of heaven, there will always be overflow, simply because heaven is bursting with so much. As Malachi 3:10 tells us:

         “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says The Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing so that there will not be room enough to receive it” (NKJV).

         We teach about this in more depth in our prophetic training, but this is a very real and practical way we are all called to live as messengers of His kingdom. Our goal every day is to see each event from the perspective of the Lord’s throne. We then seek to see our place in presenting His throne, or authority, in them.

         As we go through the door that is in heaven— we have been invited to “come up here”—we must see Him more clearly on His throne. True faith is not a formula. It is the simple recognition of Jesus—who He is and where He sits above all rule, authority, and dominion.

         True spiritual maturity could be summed up by how close we are to the Lord and how well we abide in Him. If we abide in Him, we will sit with Him on His throne in the heavenly places. That is the highest seat of authority. From the place of abiding in Him, we can “do all things through Christ” (see Philippians 4:13).