Aug 2
Rick Joyner

         If we are going to be in agreement with God, which is the foundation of abiding in Him, then this must begin by knowing the definitions He has given to us in His Word, the Scriptures, for such things as sin and wickedness, as well as righteousness and truth. If we do not agree with His definitions as He gave them to us, then according to what the Lord said through His prophet Isaiah, if we do not speak according to His Word, then we do not have the light. 

         I am not trying to become too technical, but the muddling of human communication at the Tower of Babel is far more than just speaking in different languages. We can speak the same language and yet have very different meanings for the same words. We can all be speaking English but have different definitions for words, including biblical words. For example, a Muslim promoting Sharia Law may be speaking about it in English, but his definition of justice is quite different than the typical Western democratic definition of justice.

         For example, it is “justice” under Sharia that the victim of rape must present four male witnesses to prove the rape occurred. If the rape victim does not have four male witnesses (female witnesses do not carry the same weight as male witnesses under Sharia), then she can be found guilty of adultery. This happened recently and was widely covered in the media when a 14 year-old Muslim girl who claimed to have been raped by her much older cousin was stoned to death as an adulteress because she did not have four male witnesses to verify her claim.

           This is an extreme example of how the word “justice” can mean different things to two people who are speaking the same language. However, most people develop definitions from their experiences, the media, their teachers, coaches, etc., rather than from dictionaries. So when we hear someone speak, in order to really understand them, we must know the basis from which they are speaking. This is a major reason why relationships can be so difficult, but it is not so with God. He has given us very plain, clear definitions to His words in His Word, the Scriptures.

         Therefore, it is essential in understanding biblical principles to understand what God means. This means we must abide in Him to see from His perspective. To be seated with Him on His throne is also to have the same perspective He has from where He sits. We cannot see anyone or anything clearly until we see them with His eyes.