May 29
Rick Joyner

Before we continue this study of the works of the flesh, I would like to remind you how these relate to our study of the biblical prophecies about the end times. Our main goal for studying the end times is to be able to accomplish our purpose in them. As the Lord said in Matthew 24:14: “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.” What we are doing here is actually laying a foundation for seeing, proclaiming, and then inheriting the kingdom.

In John 3, the Lord explained that one had to be born again to see the kingdom. He then went about preaching the kingdom and instructed His followers to do the same. However, there is a step beyond both seeing and the proclaiming the gospel, and that is inheriting it. As Paul declared after listing these “works of the flesh” in Galatians 5; “I forewarn you just as I have forewarned you that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (verse 21). Our goal is to see the kingdom, preach the gospel of the kingdom, and then to inherit it ourselves.

I stated in the beginning of this study that we cannot be in a hurry, and must be more concerned with addressing the things that will have us ready for the end times than just knowing what is going to happen. What we are studying now is much more important than prophetic knowledge. We can know exactly what is going to happen, but still not be prepared for it. If we are abiding in the Spirit, we will be ready regardless of whether we understand everything or not.

Just as the most successful people in any field are the ones who know, practice, and do the basics better, the same is true of the dread champions that the Lord is even now preparing to release on the earth. Those who think they are too mature or strong to need to constantly review the basics will soon pay a terrible price for their pride. Those who are wise and humble enough to continually review the basics, even while seeking greater knowledge and understanding, will soon be very thankful that they did.

Being patient in traffic or a grocery store line is really much greater evidence of true spiritual maturity than any amount of knowledge that we might have. We should always keep in mind that the devil is in a hurry because he knows he has but a short time. God is never in a hurry because He has authority over time. If we are abiding in the Lord, we will be patient. With this in mind, the teachings about the end times that keep us in a hurry, and have hindered much of the body of Christ from planning for the future with vision and strategy, have been from the devil. Even if the end of this age is tomorrow, we should be no less patient and have just as much peace as we have ever had.

Those who will be trusted with the higher wisdom and knowledge will be those who have the deepest, strongest foundations. We should have a vision for seeing more and understanding more of what is to come. It is right for us to be about the Father’s business by planting churches, raising up schools, and in every way seeking to edify and strengthen the body of Christ. However, our greatest vision must be to become Christlike and do the works that He did. Our highest calling is to be a friend of God. If we become His friends, He will not want to do anything without sharing it with us.

Because man was created at the end of the sixth day, man’s first day was God’s seventh. Therefore, for man to have fellowship with God it had to begin with him entering into God’s rest. In Hebrews 3 and 4 the Promised Land is equated with entering God’s rest. It was also required of the priests who were to minister to the Lord and draw close to Him that they not wear anything which made them sweat (see Ezekiel 44:15-18).

Sweat speaks of laboring in our own strength. If we are going to be close to God we cannot wear anything that has the sweat of our own works on it. The one most crucial factor in our preparation for these times is to be close to the Lord. We can know all truth and all prophecy accurately, but if we are not abiding in Him, we will be in the wrong place doing the wrong things and are therefore deceived.

So we must patiently continue to examine the works of the flesh that are keeping us from walking in the Spirit, and then take the same kind of in-depth look at the fruit of the Spirit which is evidence that we are indeed abiding in Him. Our ultimate goal must be to hear on that great day: “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21 NIV). None of us want to hear, “You did do a lot of miracles, prophesied, and even cast out demons in My name, but depart from Me! I never knew you.”

If we are good shepherds or a good watchmen, all who are entrusted into our care will also hear those great words: “Well done!” Therefore, let us both expand our spiritual vision while also keeping a passion for the Scriptures and sinking our roots deeper and deeper into sound biblical truth.

For this reason, I have been greatly encouraged that so many are not only staying with this study, but many more are joining it all of the time. There are signs everywhere that the church is maturing, growing stronger, and getting free of the strongholds that have held us back for so long. There is much cause for hope in the church. In our times, I do believe we are going to see true New Testament church life restored to the earth the way it was intended to be.

We must not be fooled into judging the whole church by the little part, or parts that we see. I travel quite extensively and continually. For many years I have visited the church in many nations each year. Though I know I still have not seen the whole church, I have become increasingly encouraged by how strong the church worldwide is growing. In fact, as I am also a student of church history, I am convinced that the church at this time is stronger than at any time in its history, and is growing dramatically stronger each year.

As the Lord explained, you must be born again to see the kingdom (see John 3:3), but that does not mean if you are born again you do see the kingdom. In fact, I believe that few Christians throughout history, and even today, do see the kingdom. However, more and more are, and as they do, they will begin to preach the gospel of the kingdom, which has not been preached since the first century.

One thing that is obvious to most traveling ministries is, where a message is emphasized in a church, that church will tend to be strong in that truth. For example, where faith is preached, people tend to have more faith. Where healing is emphasized, there will be more healing. Where a love for the Scriptures is emphasized, people will actually love the Word more. This is all good, but we are going to see an almost universal moving toward more people seeing the kingdom, and therefore preaching it, and then inheriting it. In this way a bridge is going to be built between the earth and the kingdom of heaven so that the prayer the Lord first gave His people will be answered—that His kingdom come! (see Matthew 6:10)

The goal of this study is to remove the things that hinder us from seeing, so that we can begin to see the kingdom of God. We can actually inherit that kingdom and live in it now! That must be our ultimate goal—to live in the kingdom and bring it to the earth by abiding in the King!

For this reason, if any of these studies have highlighted things in your life that you think you need to work on, go back to that study and review it. Then do your own study on it. As we do this, the truth itself will begin to set us free. Again, our goal is not just knowledge, but transformation. We want to know the truth, but we want to do this so we can become a living epistle to the world.

We live in the time when people have become addicted to vision stimuli, and the Lord is going to meet them on those terms. The gospel of the kingdom will not just be preached, but demonstrated by those who live in it, just as the Lord Jesus Himself demonstrated it as He proclaimed it. Make this your personal goal.