May 14
Rick Joyner


      In an era marked by global instability and great domestic challenges, the principles on which the founders based the U.S. Constitution are more vital than ever for us to understand and re-establish as our national foundation.

      As the United States approaches another election cycle amidst growing political polarization and international uncertainties, it is crucial for citizens to reassert the foundational norms that have guided our nation to higher levels of success and prosperity than any nation in history.

      Many believe the Constitution of the United States is divinely inspired, but it is not on the level of Scripture, nor is it without flaws. However, it has been by far the most successful government charter or document ever written, outlasting any other attempt at democratic governance. It was also brilliantly designed to be amended, slowly and carefully as times might require, lest the nation be weakened by attempts to bend to every new doctrine or briefly popular whim. 

      This manifesto reiterates the importance of adhering to the Constitution to ensure the integrity of our democratic processes and to safeguard our liberties. It serves as a clarion call for all citizens and leaders to uphold these enduring principles to effectively navigate the complexities of modern governance.

      This manifesto is based on facts of the Constitution of the United States, which was adopted as "the supreme law of the land." The United States owes its existence, freedoms, and unprecedented success to this fundamental document. The extent to which the Constitution has been compromised or neglected correlates directly with the degree to which crises and chaos have weakened the Republic. These can be corrected with an understanding of, and devotion to, our Constitution as the most brilliant and effective government charter in human history.


FACT #1: "The Supreme Law of the Land”

      All states joined the Union based on the Constitution being recognized as "the supreme law of the land." This is, therefore, the basis by which the states and the people of the United States are united as a nation. Without this, our federal government has no authority over the states and the people.

      Constitutional Citation: Article VI, Clause 2 – The Supremacy Clause.


FACT #2: Defending the Integrity of the Vote

      Protecting the integrity of the voting process as the primary means by which the people exercise their authority is fundamental to defending the Constitutional rights of citizens. It is, therefore, the Constitutional right of the citizens of the United States to have uniform, free, fair, efficient, and accurate elections, with procedures that are transparent, result in accurate vote counting, and protect the rights of citizens by requiring government-recognized identification to verify only citizens’ votes are counted.

      Any action that would dilute the authority of the vote by any means is voter fraud. This includes hindering citizens from voting, allowing non-citizens to vote, or not accurately counting votes cast. Voter fraud should be considered a felony, a treasonous act against the Republic, and must be prosecuted with all diligence as a basic duty of the Attorney General of the United States, as well as the Attorneys General of all the states. Those found guilty should lose their citizenship and be incarcerated for not less than ten years.

      Constitutional Citation: Article I, Section 4 and the 15th Amendment.


FACT #3: Defense is the Highest Priority of the Federal Government

      It is the Constitutional right of the citizens of the United States to require the federal government to keep as its highest priority the defense and protection of its citizens at home and abroad, the homeland and all territorial possessions, and electronic domains and networks; and to secure its borders so as to repel any who would seek to enter the United States or its territories by means other than the lawful immigration procedures and laws of the United States.

      Constitutional Citation: Article I, II & III – Separation of Powers and authority of the three branches of government.


FACT #4: Competence of All Who Serve in Government

      It is the Constitutional right of the citizens of the United States to ensure that every office holder, elected or appointed, and every government official possess the knowledge required to comply with the Constitution of the United States and the laws and duties related to the position they hold, as well as to competently manage the duties and responsibilities of the office or position they hold.

      Constitutional Citation: Article II, Section 1 – The Oath.


FACT #5: A Fair and Impartial Justice System

      The justices, judges, and all other legal workers in the Judicial system must swear to comply with the Constitution as “the supreme law of the land,” and equally and impartially enforce compliance with the Constitution and the laws of the land.

      Any violation of the uniform application of the Constitution and laws of the land is to be considered a felony, prosecuted as a civil rights violation of those harmed. Any violation that shows favoritism to some or prejudice toward any person or group based on race, religion, or politics is to be prosecuted as an assault on the Constitution and considered a civil rights violation of the people.

      Constitutional Citation: Article III and the 14th Amendment – Equal Protection.


FACT #6: The Federal Government Staying Within Its Constitutional Boundaries

      The Constitution places boundaries on federal government, as defined by the Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

      The federal government has drifted far from its Constitutional moorings and usurped the Constitutional authority of states and the people. This must be reversed with due haste, as each transgression has been costly, causing increasingly severe crises for the United States.

      It is, therefore, the right of the states and people to demand representatives, officers, or officials in any branch of the federal government reverse all encroachments by the federal government on the powers of the states and the people, and return the federal government back within boundaries set by the Constitution.

      Constitutional Citation: 10th Amendment.


FACT #7: Government Operating Within Its Financial Means

      It is the Constitutional right of the citizens of the United States to require leadership to operate within its financial means, except when necessary in a declared national emergency.

      Government representatives, officers, and officials who are responsible for the government’s budget and economic leadership must be competent to understand and abide by sound economic management principles, direct national affairs with wisdom and efficiency, and must expediently pay off any debt incurred.

      Constitutional Citation: Article I, Section 8 – Fiscal powers granted to Congress.


FACT #8: Truthfulness in Government

      Because it is against the law for a citizen of the United States to lie to Congress, it must be against the law for any member of Congress, officer, or government official to lie to citizens of the United States. Everyone representing the people of the United States in any government capacity must be above reproach, and devoted to truth and transparency, with the highest standards of integrity.

      Intentional lying must be prosecuted as the serious fraud that it is, with prison time mandatory for not less than one year, and for up to life in prison without parole for serious and damaging lies told to the government, or for any government official or representative lying to the public.

      Constitutional Citation: Preamble’s aim to "establish Justice" and "insure domestic Tranquility."


FACT #9: Clarity and Simplicity in Legal Language

      Founder Alexander Hamilton wrote, “It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is today, can guess what it will be tomorrow.”

      Founder Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding, and should therefore be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense.”

      Legalese is code developed by lawyers so that it can only be understood by other lawyers, thereby magnifying their control over the business of government and the people.

      Therefore, it should be mandated by law that all business in the Republic, and the future work of those who have so fraudulently abused their place of unelected influence and control over virtually every aspect of our lives, must henceforth be written concisely and with plain simplicity in the language of the people of the United States: English. Translations into other languages would communicate with the same simplicity and conciseness.

      Constitutional Citation: Principle of clear communication inferred from the Preamble.


FACT #10: Accountability in Lawmaking

      President Ronald Reagan said he would not pass any law that he could not read and understand. This should be the standard of all whom the people elect to represent their interests. Any resistance to clarity and simplicity of communication in all public business must be rejected vehemently as an inroad for confusion and evil intent.

      Constitutional Citation: Article I, Section 1 – Legislative powers of Congress.



      The Constitution of the United States serves as a foundational guide for both governance and societal harmony, resonating with both religious and non-religious citizens.

       For the religious, this manifesto underscores that freedom is a gift from the Creator, emphasizing our moral duty to uphold justice for all as central virtues of faith and governance in our Republic. For the non-religious, it highlights the secular values of democracy and rule of law, ensuring governance is rational, transparent, and accountable, protecting the rights and voices of all.

       Together, by adhering to this constitutional framework, we commit to a society in which mutual respect and peaceful coexistence advance a secure and prosperous future for every citizen. This shared commitment is essential for maintaining the strength and unity of our nation, as the Framers of our Republic so eloquently placed it in our Constitution.


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