Dec 31
Rick Joyner

It is obvious that 2009 will be one of the most significant years in history, and whether the outcome is good or bad will depend on many factors. For those who are on the right path, there is but one inevitable outcome—this year will be one of ever increasing light and clarity. Proverbs 4:18 promises: “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.” Therefore, if we are on the right path, the light that we are walking in should increase continually until we are walking in the fullness of the light. Light is what we can look forward to. In the times that are filled with darkness and confusion, the promise of light is one of the greatest promises we could have, and we can be sure that it is coming.

The promise of this light is that it will shine on our paths, giving us the clarity to move forward with boldness. This will become an increasing hallmark of those who are walking with God. Most people, including Christians, are facing decisions about many different things, so this promise of light on the right path is a great one. It is a part of the inheritance of those who serve the Lord and one that will increase as long as we stay on the right path.

     Growing in the light is also one of the ways that we can discern if we are still on the right path. If we have gotten on the wrong path, we must go back to where we missed the turn to get back on the right path. This is called “repentance.” To repent first requires refusing to make excuses and taking responsibility for our actions, which can begin to bring a light into our lives.

The next verse in Proverbs states, “The way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know over what they stumble” (Proverbs 4:19). There will be an increasing darkness and confusion coming upon those who walk in the way of wickedness this year. There will also be an increasing distinction between those who are walking on the path of the righteous and those who are not. Those who are on the right path will walk in increasing light, peace, and joy—this is your inheritance. For those who have chosen to walk on the path of the wicked, we will see them stumble more, becoming more fearful, depressed, and at times panic stricken.

Because of this, those who are walking in the light are going to be getting more of the attention than those who are not. Therefore, we should all be ready to give a reason for the hope that is within us. This is going to be a year of great harvest, and many of our loved ones, friends, neighbors, even our enemies, will turn to the Lord. For this reason, we should be keen to help them find the right path, leading them into the commitment of their life to Christ.

We should also be ready with materials, Bibles, and Bible Studies, so we will be able to lead them to churches that have teachers ready to help get them established on a solid biblical foundation, where they can also receive prayer for healing and/or release from demonic strongholds if needed. Like a newborn at a fine hospital, which not only takes the greatest care in delivering babies, thoroughly examining them for health problems that need correcting in order to help the child get off to the healthiest possible start in life, we should do the same with new believers. We should be committed to helping God’s children get the healthiest start in life possible.   

    In the first century, when a person gave their life to the Lord they were immediately added to the church. Today only about 5 percent of those who make “decisions” for the Lord are added to the church. These decisions may be real, and the new believer may intend to sincerely walk with the Lord and do their best at raising themselves spiritually. However, the result of this kind of neglect of new believers has been that the real spiritual health of the church and most believers is not very good. In fact, most are living lives of spiritual defeat, sin, and immorality to the point that studies have shown that there is little or no distinction between Christians and non-Christians on basic issues of morality and integrity.

We must resolve to not let this neglect of new believers continue, but to be prepared for the harvest that is now upon us. If we help new believers get off to the right start, they should walk a path of ever increasing light. They quickly should be able to discern when they have made a wrong turn and gotten off the path that leads to life and how to get back on the right path.

    James 3:2 says that we all stumble occasionally. Proverbs 24:16 states, “For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again….” A distinction of the righteous is not that they never fall or make mistakes, but regardless of how many times they do, they keep getting back up and press on. As the Lord said to me once, our falling does not displease Him as much as our getting back up pleases Him. I am bringing this up because this is also going to be a year when many who have backslidden are going to return to the fold. We need to receive them with a better attitude than the older brother did in the Parable of the Prodigal Son because the heart of the Father will be one of great rejoicing.

    In the world there will be increasing darkness and confusion, but we do not need to fear. Our Lord has overcome the world, and if we seek Him, this will be a year of ever increasing light, peace, and joy.