May 24
Rick Joyner

With the recent passage of the “hate crimes” bill in Congress, the persecution of the church in America by its government has begun. We can expect it to begin slowly, but we need to prepare for an onslaught because it is coming. 

    Of course, all Christians should be against hate and crime. Many who voted for this may indeed think that is what they are trying to eradicate, but as is now very often the case with our Congress, few seem to examine all of the potential consequences of such legislation. This bill is probably the biggest attack against religious freedom and freedom of speech in our nation’s history. So how do we prepare for this?

    When the Lord explained what would come upon the world at the end of this age, He began with “fear not.” That is the first thing we must always keep in mind. Fear is the devil’s primary weapon, but faith is the weapon of those who abide in Christ. We can’t lose because everything that happens to us works for our good, and the Lord always leads us in His triumph. So we know that ultimately we will have the victory. Do not let anything steal your peace.

    Many others have done a good job articulating the evil nature of the hate crimes bill and how we can expect to see it used against not only Christians, but Muslims and Jews, as well as those of any of faith who have a clear definition of morality and perversion.

    We are told in Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.” That is exactly what has been happening in the United States, as well as many other nations for a long time, and now it is gaining such momentum that those who have evil intent feel that they can destroy those who are of a different spirit. This is the ultimate conflict between light and darkness. For this reason, we must never compromise the clear definition of righteousness, sin, evil, morality, and immorality, because they are given to us very clearly in the Scriptures. In the end, those who have twisted these will be the most sorry.

    For those who stand for the Lord and for the clear definitions of truth, righteousness, and justice, as He has made them clear in His Word, it may be the greatest opportunity we will ever have to prove our faithfulness and allegiance to the Lord. This is one of the greatest honors one can have in the Lord.

    At the same time darkness and evil are increasing in our land, so is the light and power that the Lord is giving to His people. As our nation is becoming increasingly divided, the true church, which is made up of true believers, is coming into a greater unity than we may have ever known. This is happening so fast that it is without question beyond human ability. When the enemy comes in like a flood, we are told that the Lord will raise up a standard against him (see Isaiah 59:19 KJV). That is happening dramatically, which we will discuss in more detail in the coming weeks. We must steel ourselves for the battle, but we can also rejoice that our redemption is so close.