Sep 20
Rick Joyner

When the elements of the health care bill became public knowledge, most thoughts about the economy and other great problems facing the country, took a back seat. This is understandable and I think commendable. We are now facing an issue far more important than just our money. For the citizens of the U.S., there are ultimate issues about not only our health, but our lives and our freedoms that are at stake in the health care bill, as well as other legislation being proposed. We are no doubt in a life or death struggle for the future of our country.

     As I’m sure many others did last summer when the administration tried to ram this bill through before even the house and senate members could read it, I started praying for the Spirit of Truth to come upon the nation. It seems every day that this prayer is being answered, and I ask you to please join in that prayer. One of the things we are doing in The Oak Initiative is seeking to rally all Christians to pray ten minutes a day for our country, praying specifically that we will turn back to God. Will you please join us in doing this?

     As we discussed before and need to be continually reminded, as a nation we have fallen to what the Prophet Isaiah called one of the worst states of debauchery a nation can fall into, which is to call evil good and good evil, to honor the dishonorable and to dishonor the honorable (see Isaiah 5). As Isaiah explained, the first judgment of the Lord against this evil is to give such a nation of evil or immature leaders. Since this WFTW is about “discerning the times,” it is apparent that as a nation we are under this judgment now. So what do we do?

     Prayer is first. It is not our last resort, but our first resort. The whole fall of man, and every problem mankind has now brought upon itself, is because we have sought to run our lives and this world without God. We must return to Him in our personal lives, seeking His leadership in all things. We must also return to Him as a nation, seeking His direction, wisdom, and leadership, in all things.

     As I am writing this, it has been in the news that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing to have an 80 plus year old monument removed from a Western desert because it is a cross. They claim this promotes religion, and it is on federal land, and so they are offended by it. If the ACLU wins this suit, every cross at Arlington Cemetery would be illegal, as well as any cross on a grave in any federal cemetery, and potentially any cross displayed on a car or even jewelry. Not only is this an attack on our religious liberty but on our freedom of speech. Can we stand by and let this happen?

     It is time we became offended at the ACLU’s antichrist spirit and devotion to remove God from our country. I ask you to join with me in praying that the Lord will expose the ACLU for what it is, and that every true Christian in our nation will stand up with the boldness and courage that true Christianity demands to testify of Christ, not only refusing to give up one more inch of our religious liberty to the enemies of the cross, but that we also take back every bit of ground that has been taken from us. We will be presenting a clear strategy for this through The Oak Initiative, but for now, please consider the exhortation of Benjamin Franklin, who many of our history books now call a secularist. This is just an excerpt from his speech at the Constitutional Convention:

     In this situation of this Assembly . . . how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings?

     Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered . . . And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance?

     God governs in the affairs of men . . . “except the Lord build they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this . . . I therefore beg leave to move—that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that service.

     As the history written in their own words affirm (not the changed history now promoted in many of our schools), the Constitutional Convention obeyed this exhortation from Franklin, and the breakthrough was swift that led to a Constitution which was truly God breathed and God blessed, and has been the cornerstone of the blessings we’ve enjoyed since. Abandoning God is the source of our troubles, and returning to Him is the only remedy. Christians, we can no longer be silent or all will be lost, and it will have happened on our watch.

For more information on the Oak Initiative, click here