Sep 27
Rick Joyner

Many Christians are expressing that they have never seen the devil so active, seemingly attacking on every single front with no let up. This should encourage us! The greatest revivals in history all came during such times. We are seeing the first signs of another Great Awakening in America, and the greatest days of America can yet be in our future, not our past. There is only one thing we need to do:

Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7).

     We must turn to God first, but then we must resist the devil. If we will do this, he will surely be defeated. The only way that the devil has gained ground in America is because Christians have been silent and passive. It is time to stand up. As we are told in Daniel 11:31-32, even when the “abomination of desolation” is being set up, “those who know their God will display strength and take action.” Those who really know God cannot sit silently and passively as the devil takes over—it does not matter what the odds are against us or the seeming chances of our success—inaction is not an alternative for a true Christian.

     Of course, one person with God is a majority in any situation and has far more power than is probably needed. However, God does allow persecution, and even martyrdom, for the honor of His chosen ones. We cannot do what is right because we think it is going to prevail—we have to do what is right because it is right.

     Certainly America’s best days can yet be in our future, but it does depend on us. If you are resolved to be passive because “it’s all in the Lord’s hands and He’s in control,” just remember that He was also on the throne in the 1930s when the Nazis took over Germany. He is above all rule and authority and dominion, but He will not do things on earth that He has commanded His people to do. We are told in Psalm 115:16, “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.”

      The church in America is mobilizing and coming into a unity that may be unprecedented in our history. There are true signs of awakening. Will you be a part of it? Your place in the army of God was ordained before the foundation of the world. This is why you are here.

     If you want to join with us in the mobilization through The Oak Initiative, we would love to have you. We will be linking members together with others in their region very soon through our directory for a true grassroots mobilization. We are also linking with other groups that are mobilizing, and there are many more, which we are very encouraged about. Whether it is with us, or others who have the same resolve, we want you in your right place. Do not miss being a part of the great mobilization that is now taking place.

For more information on the Oak Initiative, click here