Oct 4
Rick Joyner

One of the most quoted lines Charles Dickens wrote has to be: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” That could certainly be attributed to the challenges of Christianity in America right now, but I would rephrase it a bit to the following: “The worst of times will lead to the best of times.” We can be confident that the Lord is going to lead us into His triumph in everything that happens. However, we need to know where we are to know how to get where we’re going. Let’s briefly review how this is playing out in our country at this time. I think those reading this from other countries can apply the same principles.

     The economic shaking that began over a year ago rocked just about every church and ministry in America. Many had to close their doors as contributions plummeted. Instead of closing, others joined with additional churches and ministries in order to survive, which can result in a great strengthening of both. If we do not come into the unity God desires voluntarily, He will often cause situations that force us to. As He put it, we can either fall on the rock and be broken or have it fall on us and crush us into powder. There is an easy way, but if we don’t respond to it, for our sakes, He will force the conditions. We see this throughout Scripture.

     The result of this economic shaking has brought a soberness and wisdom in financial matters, a resolve to reduce and eventually eliminate debt. The cutting back of extravagant expenditures is helping churches and ministries lay a stronger foundation financially than many have ever had. This battle with economic issues is far from over, but if we are diligent, the body of Christ can be free from many of the most debilitating shackles soon.

     Financial independence should be the condition that we all live in as Christians. This does not necessarily mean that we all should be wealthy, since this has nothing to do with how much we have, but instead it is about our freedom. One who is financially independent should never have to make a decision based on whether they have enough money, but rather on whether it is God’s will. This should be our primary financial goal as Christians, and many are making it theirs now. This will be increasingly critical in the days to come.

     The economic shaking that came upon the world last year and the continuing tremors are like the shaking that God sent upon Egypt to set His people free. All of the gods of Egypt were judged, which is what God is doing now—judging all of the gods of this world. A god is not just an idol that you bow down to, but it is anything that we put our trust in instead of God. Money is the number one idol of the human heart in our times—even among many Christians. The faster we quit worshiping that god, the sooner the shaking may be over. Money is not evil, but can be if we use it incorrectly. Money must be our servant, not our god.

     Hopefully, Christians have also become wise enough not to be lulled into believing that all is well now that it seems the economic downturn has leveled out and the stock market has come back like it has. As I shared months ago, we can expect this to happen, and this is a reprieve from the Lord to help many of us get our houses in order. Do not waste this time. It will not last long. And do not be lulled into thinking that everything is going to return to how it was before the shaking. The whole world’s economy is still tottering on the edge of an even bigger meltdown regardless of what the “experts” and pundits say.

     This plateau could last for a year or so, but the fundamentals of the economy are as shaky as ever, and there is even a fast return to some of the major mistakes, which caused the catastrophe we experienced in 2008, such as a renewal of sub-prime lending. The proverb that “those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it” definitely applies here. Even so, it is hard to imagine that anyone could forget such a painful recent history so fast, but this is happening, revealing the depth of the delusion. We must not fall to this delusion ourselves.

     With each week that goes by, we have increasing evidence that the present Administration does not actually understand the economy or business, and continues to implement policies and make statements that are severely damaging to the long-term recovery prospects of the economy. The alternative is that if they do understand the economy, and are implementing the policies that they are, then they are purposely trying to destroy our economy and our national strength. I personally do not believe this. However, I confess there is quite a bit of evidence that seems to indicate they know what they’re doing. I think there is still room to give them the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, the results are going to be devastating if the policies are not radically changed soon.

     As we have briefly discussed, the American economy is built on many factors, but the growth engine, especially in relation to jobs, is primarily small business. Almost everyone agrees that jobs are the basic economic engine and stimulus, and that small business provides between 70–80 percent of all new jobs created, yet the Obama stimulus plan did not have one cent or one policy incentive for small business. Instead, it has demonstrated a very cold attitude toward business in general, not to mention the promise that the more successful you are, the bigger the target you will be for the government to take your winnings with increased taxes.

     This comes when the corporate rate of taxes is already the second highest in the world. With the proposed Democratic health care bill, America would be the highest business taxing country in the world to business. Not only that, the extra burden of the health care costs, which would have to be borne by businesses, would cause many to either lay off workers or even shut down. The chill that this will put on new startups will be devastating as well.

     To continue to compete in the world market, many American companies had no choice but to seek cheaper labor and move factories overseas. Instead of the Administration offering incentives to bring these jobs back to America, it issued a threat of taxing them more for doing it. Now many of these businesses have no choice but to consider moving their headquarters overseas as well, as many are doing. Just a year ago, what was the greatest market in the world has become one of the most hostile for businesses.

     Many nations would love to have these businesses and are willing to give them huge incentives to relocate. Given the choice of these incentives, or an interventionist government that is hostile toward businesses and watching the fast nationalization of the banks and large industries, which is the first step for a socialist takeover, many of these businesses are leaving, and many more are planning to follow.

     We may think they could not possibly leave the biggest market in the world, but that market is changing. Things have become so twisted now that you can receive more favorable treatment as a foreign business than a domestic one. However, another major long-term factor makes long-term economic strengthening nearly impossible, which we must understand.

     We have been approaching 50 percent of the population being either employed by government or living on entitlements. Government does not produce anything marketable, so this percentage of the population must be supported by the 50 percent who are producing something marketable. No nation has survived long with this high of a ratio. It simply is not sustainable. This ratio is getting much worse in the U.S. as government growth has exploded under the new Administration and all of their basic economic strategies call for more government growth. Even more people who do not pay taxes will be paid by those who are productive and pay taxes. Those who understand know that we are at the breaking point, and an implosion is inevitable.

     If the government health care plan is implemented, the percentage of Americans who are employed or supported by the government will actually approach 60 percent, which will have to be supported by the productivity of the remaining 40 percent. Health care, presently one of our major exports and 15 percent of our economy, will instantly be taken off of the exports list since we will almost certainly have to go to rationing even to take care of our own citizens—because we will be adding an estimated 20-40 million people to the system.

     This is untenable and cannot possibly be sustained. So why do we have the bounce that we are experiencing now in the economy? Our economy is very resilient, and Americans tend to be very optimistic. However, extreme and unrealistic expectations tend to become extreme overreactions when the real conditions become clear. The next jolt could send the stock market down to the 3,000–4,000 range and unemployment soaring even higher.

     At the very time that our most basic liberties are under assault, the foundations of our economic strength are under the worst threat possibly in our history. Even so, if the American people wake up to what is happening and respond quickly enough as it seems they are beginning to do, we can come out of this stronger as a nation and as Christians. It will take proactive determination and resolve, but that is what the Lord is seeking to raise in His people. Embrace this great opportunity.