Oct 25
Rick Joyner

When I began writing and speaking on current events, I received some negative responses, which I expected. However, I honestly did not expect the many positive responses that I received. In fact, in every way that I think we can measure, it has had a positive impact on our ministry. I did not do it for that, and I honestly did not know if it would actually hurt us, but long ago I resolved that if the Lord would trust me with His truth, I would not let any threat keep me from speaking it. I have tried to keep as a compass for my life the knowledge that I would one day have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account, and I do my best to live for one thing—to hear “well done” on that day.

     It has interested me that several things I was told would ruin my ministry have resulted in carrying it to a much higher place. One of these was in regard to publishing The Final Quest. Some of my friends gathered together and asked me not to publish that book because it would “wreck” my future in ministry. I asked them if they thought the content in the book was true, and they said they did, but that they did not think the body of Christ was ready for it. I replied that I was not here to build a ministry, but to speak the truth I have been entrusted with. Consequently, I could not be concerned about how the book was received. I have to admit that after publishing it, I thought I might have to take another flying job. As it turned out, nothing I’ve ever done has had such a positive impact on my ministry. Even recently, over a dozen years after its publication, it again reached near the top of the bestseller lists.

     I was basically told the same thing about addressing current events. Again, I didn’t know if the response would be positive or negative, but I try not to make decisions based on what I think the response will be, but on whether it is the truth, and if I have a mandate from the Lord to address it. As it turns out, the response has been extremely positive, so much so that I have concluded that Christians greatly desire to have their pastors and church leaders address current events that are major issues of the times. Surprisingly, I also heard from many that they did not know of any other Christian leaders taking on these issues.
     That is not quite accurate because I know of some who are addressing these issues and are doing it well and effectively. The ones I have talked to who have been doing this have all said that the response they’ve received for addressing current issues has been very positive, with almost no negatives.

     When I asked other pastors or leaders why they were not addressing these major issues in our times, the two main responses I received were 1) they did not know how their people would take it, and 2) they did not believe that they were allowed to address political issues by the IRS. These two concerns are false and led to wrong conclusions and wrong actions or inactions. Christians are almost starving to hear from their leaders about major current issues. Although I am not a lawyer and cannot give you legal advice about this, there has been much published and taught to correct the false notions that churches or church leaders cannot address current issues from the pulpit. These have basically concluded that the only thing we cannot do is endorse a candidate.

     This nation was born because of the vision for freedom that was promoted from the pulpits of the churches in America. The pulpits of America have been the main platform for addressing the other major issues and bringing some of the most badly needed change in society. It has largely been the pulpits of America that have also kept the devotion to freedom alive in America. If it is going to happen, it will also be the pulpits of America that bring us back from the abyss of the social, political, and economic catastrophe that is now threatening us.

     Does the church still have that kind of impact in America? It will if we will speak out. We do need to recognize that the pulpit is no longer just a wooden platform in front of the congregation, but it also includes television, the web, social networking platforms, publishing, and so forth.

     We should also consider that after being at or near the bottom of trust for many years, recent studies show that the esteem and trust for clergy has risen dramatically and could easily become the most trusted voice in America very soon. This trust has been restored for a reason. We are not trustworthy if we do not use what the Lord entrusts to us, but in fact, in His parable of the talents, this is what can get us called a “wicked, lazy servant” (see Matthew 25:26).

     Of course, we want to use this trust by being trustworthy, being accurate, and being devoted to truth. That begins with understanding our trust. How could we be good shepherds if we do not confront the major issues that are threatening the well-being of those we have been given a trust and a responsibility to watch over? In Hebrews 13:17 we are told, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account.” This is an exhortation to the people about how to treat their leaders, but it also reveals the account that leaders will have to give for how they cared for those entrusted to them. How can we be faithful watchmen if we do not sound the alarm when the enemy is threatening?

     After 9/11, record numbers of people flooded the churches of America. In just a few weeks, attendance fell even below what it had been before 9/11. Why? First, those seekers who poured into the churches did not find the answers they were seeking to the pressing situation of the times. Many church members even became discouraged because the understanding of the times was so shallow in the church. As Christians, much less Christian leaders, we have a responsibility to know the times. The Lord even called those who didn’t hypocrites because they spent more time studying the weather than the times.

     Prophets in the Old Testament all reveal a serious and deep knowledge of history as well as an understanding of the current events of the times, not only in Israel, but in nations far from Israel, even without the Internet or Fox News. This is a fundamental responsibility that we have. Our ability to be the salt and light that we are called to be will be directly proportionate to this.

     In what is now popularly referred to as the separation of church and state, in all of the writings and documents of our founding fathers and the documents upon which our government is based, there is not one that could be interpreted as trying to keep the church out of governmental affairs, but rather it is the opposite—they were all intended to keep the government out of church affairs. The church will be throttled by Satan if we refuse to address the issues of our times.

     Another Great Awakening is beginning in America. The first Great Awakening set the spiritual genetic code of the country and helped to give birth to a nation founded on basic Judeo/Christian values. The Second Great Awakening was the primary spark that led to the eradication of slavery in America, an absolutely intolerable institution for any nation, much more so for a nation with a calling and destiny to proclaim freedom to the world. What is this next Great Awakening going to bring?

     Understanding that we see in part and prophesy in part, we cannot claim to have the whole picture yet, but parts are becoming clear enough now so that we can better understand these times and know what we should do. We will cover this over the next few weeks.