Nov 22
Rick Joyner

If our theology of the kingdom is correct, then a biblical worldview will essentially be a kingdom worldview. Jesus came to preach the kingdom, and He gave us that same commission. He said that this had to be accomplished before the end of this age could come.

     We must always keep in mind that gospel means “good news,” and that our message is the good news of the coming kingdom, not the bad news that many promote about the prophesied troubles at the end of this age. These troubles will come, and they are written so that we can be prepared for them. However, this must not be our main message, but rather the solution to all of man’s troubles will be His return to establish His kingdom of righteousness, justice, and peace on the earth.

     Let us also continually keep in mind that even though it may seem that evil is prevailing for a time, it will not ultimately prevail, but will be utterly destroyed from the earth.

     We should also keep in mind that the Lord could have thrown the devil into the lake of fire and taken His authority over the earth immediately after His resurrection, but He didn’t for our sakes. This whole age is “training for reigning” for those who are called to be His joint heirs. So do not waste your trials; they are tests which are meant to mature you in His ways.

     The devil does have a boast: God’s crowning creation, when given the choice between obeying God or following the devil, chose to follow the devil, even though man was living in a perfect environment. However, the Father will have the final boast because the bride of “the last Adam,” Christ, even though living in the darkest of times with all of hell and earth opposing, will choose to obey and follow God. This will be the ultimate witness to the principalities and powers which are doomed—that the truth of God will prevail over all of the devil’s lies.

     Every time we are tested and choose to obey rather than give in to sin or temptation, our spiritual authority is strengthened, and we are helping a little more to prepare the way for the Lord and His kingdom. Always keep in mind that if the Lord did not want us to be tempted He could have removed the tempter, but He didn’t for our sakes. We should seize every opportunity to grow in Christ by taking up our crosses daily and following His example to die to ourselves so that we might be used to bring life to others.