Aug 21
Rick Joyner

      We have been reduced to a world that now has only one hope that can keep us from the worst tyranny in history: a revival and an awakening that surpasses all previous ones. We need for the Lord to move as He has not done on the earth before, and that is what He plans to do.

      We need the greatest revival because we have fallen to the ultimate depravity—“calling evil good and good evil” and “honoring the dishonorable and dishonoring the honorable” (see Isaiah 5). As the book of Isaiah continues, this will cause the anger of the Lord to burn, and our God, who is a “consuming fire,” will burn throughout the earth consuming the “wood, hay, and stubble,” but purifying the “gold, silver, and precious stones.”

      The biblical prophets called this “the great and terrible day of the Lord.” It will be great for those who love the Lord and seek to live lives that are pleasing to Him. It will be a day of unprecedented darkness and dread for those who love the darkness and serve evil.

      As we see repeated with every new king of Israel, if the king sought the Lord and served Him, the people would likewise seek the Lord and serve Him. If the king was wicked and did not do what was right in the sight of the Lord, the people would follow and do likewise. It is, therefore, right that we would always seek to promote leaders that fear the Lord and seek to do what is right in His sight.

      Righteous and wise leaders are a blessing from the Lord for those who seek Him and seek to live according to His ways. Evil and capricious leaders are a judgement from God in Scripture for those who seek to do evil, or tolerate evil in their land. So it is always right that we seek righteous leaders. When the choice is between two seemingly unrighteous leaders, supporting the lesser of two evils is seeking less evil.

      However, we have fallen to a place that is beyond human remedy. There is no one we can put in the White House who can save us, though they may be able to buy us a bit more time. Doing what is right for the economy is important, but that will help us little if we do not turn back to doing what is right in the sight of the Lord.

      The Lord is seeking true worship from the heart. The strongest laws cannot accomplish this. We must have a true revival, another Great Awakening greater than any of the previous ones. Only God can do this. Therefore, He is our only hope. He has always been our only hope, but from this time we will know it.

      Such moves of God only come with the fear of the Lord at their foundation. This is always evidenced by a deep, heartfelt repentance. The more conviction and deeper the repentance, the stronger the foundations will be and the longer they can resist the onslaught of darkness in these times. The pure and holy fear of the Lord is a strong foundation. Even so, this alone is insufficient if this foundation is not built upon with the love for God, and then the love for one another. Anything else we build on or with will fail, but “love never fails” (see 1 Corinthians 13:8).

      This verse could have also been translated, “Love never quits.” We will ultimately quit if our motives are anything less than love. Love alone has the power to keep us through the onslaught of evil that is now upon us.

      The prophecy is true that the Lord intends for the troubles we go through to result in a rebirth of our republic. Why? Ecclesiastes 3:14 declares, “I know that everything God does will remain forever… .” We need to know that the birth of our republic did not come through politics or military might. It came through the spiritual impartations of the original colonists who came to America seeking God, through the Great Awakenings, and through all the moves of God that helped set the spiritual DNA for our country. That which God does will last forever.

      The rebirth is not going to come through politics, a great economy, or military might. What God has called our nation to be cannot come through the ways of this world, but only through us turning back to the One who created us. We also must know that everything that has been added to what He gave birth to will be consumed with the fire coming upon the earth.

      For us to think that God needs us for our wealth, our military strength, or even our having been such a righteous nation, is an affront to Him. As we’ve covered, by the standard of judgment Jesus established, Sodom will have it easier in the judgment than some of the most righteous cities in the world. Jesus said if the works that were done in those cities had been done in Sodom, “Sodom would have repented and remained to that day” (see Matthew 11:24). So, His standard for destruction is not determined by the amount of darkness in a nation, but the amount of light a nation has rejected.

      Much light has been given to America, yet the nation is largely rejecting it. We are dealing with more moral depravity and disdain for righteousness and justice than we have at any point in our history. America has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, and are now sacrificing our children in this fire, allowing them to become the objects of the worst forms of perversion. This is the worst offense we could commit, according to the Lord. By the biblical standard confirmed by Jesus Himself, we are in the greatest danger of destruction of possibly any nation on earth.

      But, until we have been destroyed, we are not beyond His mercy—if we repent. As deep as the devil has been able to go in our country, or any other, the Lord can go deeper. We can yet fulfill our destiny and become the place of liberty and justice for all we were created to be.