Sep 21
Rick Joyner

If we are going to understand the biblical prophecies concerning the end of the age, we need to understand certain principles. We have been studying some of these in relation to righteousness and justice, and how they have current applications. Before continuing, there is another fundamental principle that we must keep in mind and in our vision, to act as a compass to navigate us through all we are going to study.

The first principle is to keep our attention and focus on what Christ is going to do, not what the anti-Christ is going to do. There are some things we need to understand about the anti-Christ. We do not want to be ignorant of the devil’s schemes, just as the Scriptures teach us. However, if we become overly focused on the anti-Christ and his purposes, they will divert us from a true understanding of the times. What the anti-Christ is doing is the sideshow, not the main event. If we spend too much time in the sideshow we are certain to miss the main event.

The main event is what the Lord is doing to prepare for His coming kingdom. That’s what we want to see, and that’s what we want to be a part of. It will only be in the light of the main event that we will be able to clearly see what the devil or the anti-Christ is doing, or has done. Everything the devil is doing is an attempt to counter the purposes of God.

We also want to keep in mind the principle of II Corinthians 3:18: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.” To simplify the principle stated here, we are going to become like that which we are beholding. Our goal is to become Christlike, which we do by beholding Him. Those who become overly focused on the devil or the anti-Christ, inevitably start taking on his nature, and become accusers of the brethren.

Now the key word here is not to be “overly focused” on the devil and his purposes. There are some things we do need to understand or they would not be in the Scriptures. However, a third of the angels, or messengers, fell. Two-thirds of the angels did not fall. That means the good angels outnumber the bad by two to one (not to mention the fact that God, by Himself, outnumbers them all!). My point is that in my studies of the end times, I try to devote at least twice as much attention to what God is doing rather than what the devil is doing.

I also believe that to do a comprehensive study of the prophecies relating to the end of this age would take many volumes. Therefore, what we are going to be covering in this study are the most important keys to understanding the coming times. I view these main points like the four cardinal points of a compass—east, west, north, and south. Once we know where these four points are located, we can more easily navigate to the points in between. To navigate implies that we are trying to get somewhere.

One main point we need to keep in mind is: Where are we going? The answer to that question is—the kingdom. This is not just the end of this age, but the beginning of the age to come in which our King is going to rule over the earth. He is coming to set up His kingdom, and we are His agents to prepare the way for it. Our purpose is to make His way straight, and to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world in preparation for His coming.

We began this study with a brief address of the “foundation of His throne, righteousness and justice” (see Psalm 97:2). Our attention has been a little more on justice because this is so seldom addressed in the church. There are some current events which relate to justice that I feel could prove tragic for my own nation, the United States.

We will cover more in relation to this, but first let’s look again at The Great Commission, which clearly and succinctly declares the purpose for our journey. This is found in Matthew 28:18-20:

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to
Me in heaven and on earth.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the age."

Let’s briefly look at the main points of this commission:

  1. All authority has been given to Jesus in both heaven and earth.
  2. Because of this, we are to go and make disciples, not just converts.
  3. We are to make disciples of nations, not just individuals.
  4. Disciples are students, and we make them disciples by teaching them.
  5. Discipleship begins with baptism, which is the commitment to die with Him to our old self, so that we may also walk in newness of life.
  6. The discipleship continues with teaching them to observe “all” that He commanded.
  7. This is what we are to do until the end of the age.

The reason we want to understand the times is so we can understand our own purpose in them. With The Great Commission our work is certainly cut out for us. Our goal should be to hear those great words on that great day when the Lord will judge the world, “Well done good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21) because we fulfilled His purpose in our generation. To do His will is the reason why we are on the earth at this time.

Every Christian has a part to play in preparing the way for the Lord. A mighty force of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers are being prepared for these times. The works that the Lord did, and even greater works, will be given to them to fulfill this great purpose. There is an army being mobilized like the world has never seen. Before the end comes, the whole world will have seen them and heard their message. This is to give everyone the opportunity to prepare themselves for the coming kingdom.

If we are Christians, then we have joined this great army. We no longer belong to ourselves, and we no longer live for ourselves, but for Him. We are soldiers of the cross. Let us not waste a single day of learning how to use the weapons and armor that we have been given for this purpose. We need to especially sharpen “the sword of the Spirit,” which is the Word of God that has been given to us. We are all going to get a chance to use it.