Feb 28
Rick Joyner

We see in Revelation 2:20 that Jezebel “calls herself a prophetess.” We must beware of those who are so small spiritually that they have to promote themselves or seek to use high titles for recognition. I have been privileged to know a few who walk in true prophetic ministries of biblical stature, and not one of them was concerned about being known as a prophet. As Leonard Ravenhill once told me, “You don’t have to advertise a fire.” If you have the goods, you do not have to promote yourself. Jesus said in John 7:18:

     “He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”

     The Greek word that is translated “glory” here is doxa and could have been translated “recognition.” Both of these words are appropriate. When our motives are to seek our own glory, or recognition, we will not be true messengers of God. If we are going to be used as prophets, we must have the motive of seeking to do God’s will and turn people to Him, not to ourselves.

     To help prophetic people with these motives, prophets are rarely recognized as such until after they are dead and no longer a threat. Most prophets must endure constant persecution, accusations, and threats just as we see in the life of the ultimate Prophet, Jesus. Therefore, a true prophet’s acceptance and encouragement must come from the recognition of God, not men.

     Another nearly constant problem for true prophets are the false prophets and pseudo prophets, whose constant troubling of issues and people are usually blamed on all prophets. The Scriptures make it clear that we are doing the right thing to put those who come with such titles to the test. If we are truly sent by God, we should not mind these tests—but rather appreciate them as being more for the benefit of those who are true.

     The first test I use is the following: Are they coming with the royal dignity, grace, and wisdom of our King? As the Scriptures also make clear, prophets can be quite strange, but there is nevertheless a certain royal dignity that comes with the true royal messengers. It is hard to define, but when we learn to recognize it, it becomes easy to recognize.

     Of course, the messengers of the King are not the King, and we cannot expect them to be perfect. Even the Apostle Paul said to the Galatians that he knew that his flesh was a trial to them, commended them for seeing past that, and receiving him as if he were an angel, or messenger, of God.

     Having known many of the significant Christians of our times, I have always been struck by how those with the most substance always care the least about titles, or themselves being honored, but are rather more devoted to honoring others, especially those they have been sent to. They treat the bride of Christ as the queen that she is. They treat God’s people as the royalty that they are, and they come more to honor than to be honored.

     Another basic characteristic of the message that comes from God is stated in James 3:13-18:

      Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth.
This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic.
For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.
And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

     As we see here, where there is a devotion to our own recognition, or “selfish ambition,” it is an open door to “every evil thing.” The seed, or word, whose “fruit is righteousness” must first be pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable. By these things, we must learn to judge both the message and messengers as being true or not.