Mar 28
Rick Joyner

Last week we discussed the importance of having the integrity of quoting our sources, when possible and within reason. It is something we should care about in order to maintain the highest standards of integrity.

     I have never purposely plagiarized anything, and most of my research was done for the sake of my own understanding. I was not even thinking about using some of the information I researched in my teachings or later used in my writings, so I failed to record where I found much of the material. I also never learned some of the better skills of research. I seldom took notes when I studied, and if I did, I would just write down the facts that caught my attention. Later, when I would return to these, I could not even remember the books or authors in which I had found the information, so I could not quote them. Just some basic skills in organizing my research and recording it better would have allowed me to more accurately quote the sources. It would also have likely put much more information at my disposal and made some of my books much better. Even if you do not feel called to be a writer, it could come upon you, and if it does, you can do better than I did by taking the time to develop good research skills now.

     When I feel that I have been a bad example in something, I consider it my responsibility to correct it so that others don’t make the same mistakes. In every way, we should have integrity with how we handle God’s Word for the treasure that it is, enabling Him to trust us with more. I think my hunger for knowing the Lord and for knowing His ways pleases Him, and He always rewards seekers. I also think He has greatly blessed me with all that I’ve been shown, but I am also sure my carelessness in much of my research was not pleasing to Him and may have hindered Him from showing me more.

     The writer of Hebrews must have been a little like me in regard to this, writing several times “somewhere it is written…” concerning Scripture he was quoting. For this reason, I at least feel that I am in some good company and don’t feel too bad about this. However, I want to do better, and I do not want anyone to follow any of the bad habits or ways that I’ve had. If we want to be trusted with the highest and greatest truth, we must be careful with it, which means full of care. Those who treasure it in this way will:

     Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15 KJV).

     This includes not only studying the Word of God, but how we might be better used as faithful custodians of such treasure.