Jul 11
Rick Joyner

The first strategy of the devil to seduce mankind was to get our first parents to doubt the Word of God—“Did God really say that?” Once he got them to doubt what He had said, it was just a short step to getting them to doubt God’s intentions for them. From there, his ploy was to get them to feel rejected by God because He was holding something back from them. Christians who have been caused to stumble often go through this same pattern.

     It is interesting that this is the same way our Constitution has been attacked and eroded. First, we have been encouraged to question what it really says, and then if that does not work, to question the intentions of the Founders who wrote it. If that does not work, we’re encouraged to believe that it was a document written for a primitive agrarian society, not the modern world, and it is therefore no longer relevant. Actually, it was written in plain English so that it is would be clear to those who would bother to read it. It also had nothing to do with agrarian or modern societies, but rather the fundamental corruptibility of men when given power and how to keep this corruption in check. Their wisdom has been based on truths that have been proven in every age of men because it is not dependent on the circumstances men are in, but rather what is in men that will manifest in certain circumstances.

     To remain strong Christians who are aligned with God and His perspective of the world and current events, we must be devoted to a constant study of the Scriptures, which were given to us for this purpose. To stand, we need to establish ourselves solidly in the Word of God, knowing and holding to sound doctrine, and we need to recognize and refute the craftiness of our enemy.

     We must also understand that the “good” side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is just as deadly as the “evil” side of that tree—they both have the same root and the same fruit—death. Human goodness, which is not based on the redemptive purposes of God, will always be one of the biggest stumbling blocks to men. We can look at “good works” and be pleased at them, but if they are being done as a way to compensate and pay for our rebellion, then they are an affront to the cross, and our own good works can be one of the primary things that keep us from the cross.

     Just as the Apostle Paul rejoiced in the gospel being preached even by those who did not have good motives, it is fine to rejoice in the good works that men do and be thankful that others are being helped, even if it is not being done with the best motives. The communists used to do many good works for other nations to try to seduce them with communism, and America has done much of the same with its aid, seeking allies rather than just trying to help the needy. Even so, Americans do have a heart for helping the needy or those who are in crisis that may be unprecedented in history, and it is right to be thankful for this.

     Wisdom would dictate that as a foreign policy, we need to evaluate how we make our allies because some have turned out to be despicable dictators who have ruthlessly treated their own people, and some turned into our own worst enemies, such as Osama bin Laden. Bad intentions can sometimes result in good, and good intentions can sometimes result in bad, but we shouldn’t stop doing good because it might turn out bad.

     I personally rejoice at any good that people do for one another. However, I do watch out for those I sense want to do me favors but have ulterior motives. It is quite easy to discern this, as well as it is to discern those who truly want to do some good out of genuine care or as just serving one of God’s people.

     Likewise, we were very much involved in the Hurricane Katrina disaster from the beginning, and though I never doubted the desire of our government workers there with FEMA, the incompetence was more than discouraging—it was scary. Not all of the problems that were blamed on FEMA was their fault, and they did do some good. To this day, I am very thankful to live under a government that at least wants and tries to help its people, even if it has become so cumbersome that its incompetence sometimes causes more harm than good.

     However, lately the government’s intentions to do many good things for its citizens seem far more crafty than ever before. This is confirmed when we dig through some of the bills and find the time bombs that undermine our basic rights, which really are in conflict with the Constitution. This is a new level of evil.

     We can be sure that when a 2,700 page bill is sent through Congress without giving anyone time to even read it, much less study it, it includes things they do not want us to see or know about. Americans are waking up to this, and very encouragingly, are not continuing to accept the sweet talk from those who say they only have our best intentions in mind. In truth, men can have 2 percent good intentions and use that to justify the evil that is their true motive. They can have 98 percent good intentions, but that 2 percent, which is evil, can kill. Rat poison is 98 percent good food and just 2 percent poison. It is the good food that draws the victims. Some of the bills being rammed through Congress have good in them, but it is what is hidden that is becoming a serious threat to the very foundation of our liberty.

     Discernment is one of the most desperately needed gifts of the Spirit that we need at this time. What we are discussing above, and is now happening in the government, is also permeating society in general. How do we get this discernment? We pray for discernment, and then we get to know God’s Word. If Jesus, who was the Word of God, would take His stand on “It is written…” how much more should we?