Jul 18
Rick Joyner

     A question many are asking in these times is the following: Is there an intentional gutting of American economic strength—maybe even the intentional collapse of the world’s economy, or is it just foolishness? I confess that I have never paid much attention to conspiracies, or conspiracy theories, since it seems that in almost every case by looking into them, they are superficial and easily dispelled. However, the Scriptures and history confirm that conspiracies are among evil people, and they will do great harm, especially at the end of the age. America has always had enemies, as has virtually every nation, but now there seems to be increasing evidence that evil agendas are seeking to systematically dismantle and even destroy America from within. Because of mounting evidence that this is actually being done intentionally, we must ask: Why would anyone want to do this? What are they trying to accomplish? Could it be that some of the end-time scenarios found in biblical prophecy that lead to a one-world government may actually be playing out at this time?

     As noted before, it was shocking when the Obama Administration’s Homeland Security Secretary (DHS) placed Christians who believe in the end-time prophecies of the Bible as potential terrorists in the infamous Department of Homeland Security memo. It is interesting that this memo also named veterans as potential terrorists but did not even mention Islamic extremists as potential threats—who have been the source of 99.9 percent of all terrorist attacks worldwide for the last half-century! Even the most naïve should be wondering why DHS would do this. When was the last time a Christian flew an airplane into a building? When was the last time a Christian, or a veteran, committed a terrorist attack? Why would this Administration completely omit as a threat virtually the only group who has committed terrorist attacks for the last half-century and add groups that have never committed a terrorist attack? Is there this much ignorance and foolishness in our Department of Homeland Security, or are they just seeking to target political enemies in an especially sinister way? For good reason, this DHS memo continues to stir an alarm among thinking citizens.

     Then, as the Healthcare Reform Bill has been unpackaged, there was the shocking revelation that it contained a provision for a special civilian force composed of thousands of officers that would be under the President’s direct control. This force has been dubbed “the President’s Brownshirts” in reference to Hitler’s civilian force that he used to subdue Germany with. The shock of finding provisions like this in a healthcare reform bill have been convincing many more that this bill truly is about a lot more than healthcare—it is about increasing control and domination of the people.

     President Obama is a very likeable person and has such a beautiful and wonderful family that it is hard to attribute anything so sinister to him, but the evidence is mounting so fast that the alarm is growing within his own party that something is seriously awry. Because of the mandate of I Corinthians 13, I have personally tried to always attribute the best of intentions to people, even when they do bad or stupid things, and even when I believe that some of the most tragic problems have been caused by people who have good intentions. Could it be that our President has such an evil agenda? Or is our President being duped by people in his Administration who have these intentions? This is a possibility, but it seems to be a shrinking one. As more are beginning to say, we have to be the most naïve of all people if we do not see the mountain of evidence growing that the continuous assault on the basic freedoms of Americans, and the destruction of the foundations of our economic strength, is being done intentionally. The mounting evidence that this is being done intentionally is becoming overwhelming. So, what do we do?

     We do the same thing as if it were being done unintentionally. We do not need to waste too much time on why this is being done to us, but rather what is being done, and how can we counter it. Every one of us have a part—especially Christians who are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. If the salt in America has not lost its savor, the Republic can, and will be, preserved.