Aug 16
Rick Joyner

     I once watched the local news for thirty days straight to see if there was any good news. There was none reported. Of course, there was some good news, but just not newsworthy by present network standards. I turned on the news as I sat down to write this and was quickly overwhelmed by the problems and crises that came cascading down at me from the television set. It’s easy to understand why some are saying we’re in “the great time of trouble” now. How much worse could it get?

     If we ask those who survived the death camps in World War II or the massacre in Rwanda, we would know that it could get much, much worse. There have been times in America’s history when it was much worse. However, the ultimate end of all things is that it is going to get much, much better—so much better that Scripture tells us that we cannot even imagine how wonderful it will be. The Scriptures also tell us that we can live under the authority of the coming kingdom of God now. We are told in Romans 14:17 that “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” We can have peace and joy now, which is beyond present, earthly comprehension. This is what we are seeking to do, not just so we can have a better life, but so we can help everyone see that they can have a better life too.

     I am sometimes asked if I believe other intelligent life exists in the universe. Because there has been no proof through science and the Scriptures do not address this, all we can do is speculate. Many great men and women of God have expressed a belief that other life exists out there. Some think that when the Lord spoke of how the Good Shepherd would leave the ninety-nine sheep to hunt for the one that was lost, that the one that was lost was the earth, and that all of the other planets with life on them have not fallen and remain faithful and obedient to their Creator. Perhaps.

     There has also been speculation that Satan was cast down to the earth because it was the only fallen planet in the universe. Since no Scriptures establish or refute such a belief, we must give liberty to such beliefs as long as they are not promoted as a doctrine of the church. We can debate whether or not other life exists in the physical universe, but we cannot debate that there are many diverse forms of life in the spiritual realm as we see in Scripture. We’re also told that this physical universe is but a shadow compared to the spiritual realm. We could make a case that there are at least inferences that the whole universe, with the exception of earth, remains in harmony with God.

     The earth is just a speck of dust compared to the rest of the physical universe. As many have taught, such as C.S. Lewis, all of the evil in the universe is on this one tiny little speck of dust called earth. The sure promises of God are that this little speck will be fully restored to the paradise it was originally created to be, to the point where there will be no more sickness, dying, pain, or anyone doing harm to anyone else—that the wolf will dwell with the lamb and children will play with cobras (see Isaiah 11:6-9). Then the whole universe will be in complete harmony with its Creator. We’re called to live in this now. We’re called to demonstrate it, and we’re called to preach it.

     I passed a church several times this week that had on its marquee the ancient and often quoted statement, “Preach the gospel. If necessary use words.” It is necessary to use words as we are told in Romans 10:12-14: “for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call upon Him; for ‘WHOEVER WILL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.’ How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” People may be impacted in some way by observing us, but they will not comprehend the gospel without words. If they do not comprehend it, they will not come to salvation, regardless of how good our witness is. We must not be persuaded by such glib sayings, especially when they are refuted by the Scriptures. This is not to negate the fact that if we have righteousness, peace, and joy, especially in the times to come, we are going to be such a contrast that it will get people’s attention and can be used to open their hearts to the words of the gospel.

     We have been given the greatest news the world has ever, or will ever, hear—the gospel, or good news, of the coming kingdom of God. Troubles seem to be mounting with every passing day in this world, but these will certainly come to an end. We are called to walk and live in the coming kingdom and to preach the good news that it is coming to all the earth.

     As I scanned a few news channels while writing this Word for the Week, I heard Glenn Beck make a remarkable statement on Fox News. He basically said that our problems are now beyond human ability to correct them, and that our only remedy is to turn to God for His help. That is the truth, and certainly one that we do not hear on a secular news channel often, if ever.

     If you’ve been reading these Words for the Week for long, you know for years I have been saying that our problems in virtually every area are growing beyond human remedy. The basic cause of the great time of trouble that is the end of this age is the fruit of fallen mankind trying to run this world without the Creator. When the earth and all of creation for all of eternity learns our history, they will understand that this is something that should never be tried again!

     The ultimate solution is to turn to God, and as He has so graciously promised—He will respond to any who call upon Him. This is the answer for this world, and it is the answer for each one of us individually. It’s not that we have to trust the Lord, but that we get to! The greatest faith is demonstrated in the most difficult conditions, which is when the greatest miracles are seen. Many want to see the great miracles, but just don’t want to be put in a situation where they need them. Now we’re in that situation, and we will see them. One of the greatest miracles of all will be the righteousness, peace, and joy of God’s people.