Oct 10
Rick Joyner

      If you are reading this, you are likely an educated, high-impact professional, which is the profile of the people who tend to read this Word for the Week, as well as attend our conferences and churches. I did not choose this profile for our audience, but I’m happy with it. I did not know this until a few years ago, and had never fashioned my message to fit any particular group, but have mostly addressed what I felt the emphasis of the Spirit was on. Even so, knowing this profile does help.

     Of course, Jesus is the preeminent Teacher. One of the basic tactics He used to teach from was current circumstances. He did not talk to the woman at the well about being born again, but about what was on her mind at that time—water. The teachings of Jesus perfectly fit the present situation. This not only made His teachings compelling and interesting, but memorable, and therefore effective. This is one reason why I have begun to tie these Words for the Week to current events. My goal is to tie major issues on people’s minds to biblical principles so that we will have light to walk in them.

     We cannot just tie our teachings to circumstances or situations; we must understand and speak to our audience as well. To be effective, I cannot just write for who I would like to address, but to those who are actually reading what I write. Many will try to write on a fifth to eighth grade level in order to capture the largest number of people. However, I’m not trying to capture the largest number, but rather the ones I’m called to speak to.

     About half of my readers are not from the U.S., and many of our national issues may not be relevant to them. I try to keep subjects that are international issues on that format, or if they are domestic matters, those which are likely to have an international impact. Also a number of high profile politicians, business leaders, and educators who read this are the primary ones who come to our churches and conferences. This is why we have been called “thinking prophets.”

     If we are prophets and thinkers too, this may be a contradiction to many, but it is the biblical precedent and the characteristic of those who set the political and spiritual genetic code of America. Jonathan Edwards, one of the significant leaders of the First Great Awakening in America, is still considered one of the greatest intellects ever produced by America. John Wesley, George Whitefield, and the other leaders of the Awakening were all likely in the top 1 percent of the intellects of their times. The primary leader of The Second Great Awakening, Charles Finney, was also a brilliant intellect. The same is true of the biblical prophets with but a few exceptions.

     This being the case, we try to go deeper into the discussion of current events than we would otherwise. We well realize that this is not for everyone but seems to be appreciated with the particular group we have drawn as an audience. However, I also know that the profile of the people who read these Words for the Week make them very busy people, so I try not to waste their time with wasted words. Of course, I would not want to do that with anyone, but if you do this often to a busy people, you will lose them for good.

     Why am I saying all of this? Because I know I’m speaking to people who are either high-impact people or likely will be. Again, the impact will be much greater if we know who we are speaking to. We should be shaping our messages to our audience rather than trying to shape our audience to our message. This is what the Lord did when He addressed the Seven Churches in the first chapters of the Book of Revelation. These churches all existed at the same time, and were in the same general region, but they all needed a different message. To be effective, we must discern our audience, what is on their hearts and minds at that time, and use it to preach the kingdom. Even the New Testament letters do this.

     The people who have a high-impact, whose message is heard, are not just focused on themselves, or what they want to talk about, but on the times, the present situations, and the people who are listening to them. It’s not complicated, but it does take a little more effort to discern our audience, an effort with those who care are more than willing to give. Often, the difference between highly successful people and the less successful is just 1 or 2 percent more effort. With the mega successful, there is a higher level of effort, but giving just a little more will separate us from the pack.

     There are very real signs of the beginning of another Great Awakening in America. Many who are reading this will be a new breed of leaders in this Awakening, our nation, government, business, education, the arts, media, the military, and the church, and are going to help lead us to a new day. Certainly we are in times of tribulation and trouble, but through the midst of it, a highway is being built that leads to the kingdom. You’re here to help build that highway and to get as many people on it as possible.


     We just received this update from Pastors Eric and Wendi Moen of River Rock Christian Fellowship in Reno, NV where Todd Bentley, along with MorningStar Leadership Staff, held the first meetings with Todd since his phase two restoration release into public ministry at our recent HarvestFest Conference and Festival, and it is very exciting news.

      The first thing that I noticed about Todd Bentley is how truly humble he is.  Not that "religious" humble, but something that comes from the heart. He and Jessa had lunch with me the first day and really shared from their hearts. Later, Todd and Jessa took two hours of their time to meet with local pastors in our hospitality suite. We were all just gathered around the "kitchen table" having a wonderful time of ministry and fellowship.

      When Todd got on stage Thursday night, it was a powerful moment of historic significance for Northern Nevada. Todd noted that this was the first time that he had been in ministry outside of his initial restoration process since 08/08/08. He also noted that his final day here would be 10/10/10. 

      Todd confessed his past sins to all of us without beating around the bush. Then he asked us all to forgive him. He made no attempt to shift blame in any way. As he shared with us, these were that points that stuck out to me. 

1. He talked about Reno being a city on a hill. A light to the world. 

2. He talked about the importance of the presence of God and the fear of God in seeing signs, wonders, and miracles come.

3. He said that he did not expect to see this but he now feels that Reno will be a place where God moves in a very powerful way. He has only seen this spiritual set up one other time since Lakeland.

      If you were not available to attend these meetings in Reno, we would like to extend the invitation for you to join Todd and myself in Virginia Beach, VA for the “Healing and Kingdom Tour” being held at the Founders Inn October 21 at 7:00 p.m. and October 22-23 at both 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Also, dates are confirmed for the “Healing and Kingdom Tour” with Todd Bentley and Jason Hooper in Cincinnati, Ohio from November 3-6. For more information and to register visit www.freshfireusa.com. We hope to see you there.