Aug 31
Rick Joyner

Over the previous two weeks, we addressed some of the ways we are going to begin seeing Luke 17:20-21 fulfilled in our time: "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst."

As discussed, after a terrible breakdown in morality, integrity, and respect for authority, major turning has begun toward righteousness and obedience to the Lord. These spiritual shifts may at first be hard to perceive, and in some cases take years to become apparent, but they have begun.

We also discussed what I called the “Haman spirit” which has tried to destroy the Jewish people since the time of King Ahasuerus and has now erected strongholds in the United States, especially in the U.S. State Department. It is also well established in other governments, but its most potential danger is now coming from the U.S. State Department. Just as the Lord raised up Esther to save Israel, as well as reveal Haman so that he died on the very gallows he erected to kill his hated enemy Mordecai the Jew, the Lord is today raising up “a new order of Esther” to do the same.

This order was revealed to us through dreams and revelations which we briefly stated at our Pastor’s & Leader’s Conference in 2002. We have only occasionally mentioned it because we do not believe it is supposed to be a major public matter at this time. In fact, Esther had to have the wisdom to hide her identity until the right time in order to accomplish her purpose.

There are people whose main mission on this earth is to help preserve the Jewish people, as well as Christians who are Jews “according to the Spirit.” Like Esther, they are going to be given positions of great influence with the rulers and governments of this world. They have been raised up “… for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).

Esther had to go through a very lengthy time of preparation before she could assume the position of authority with the king that would enable her to save her people. There are many that are now going through just such a time of preparation. At the right time their influence will expose the “Haman spirit” that is operating in their governments, turning what the enemy meant for evil into salvation for the Jews.

This is not something that we are orchestrating, or could. We have been organizing an “Order of Esther” composed of those who are committed to praying for Israel, the Jewish people, and for Christians around the world who are threatened. However, these may or may not include those who will be given the positions of influence to expose this “Haman spirit.” That is something only God can do, and He is doing it. This is only being written to encourage those who do not know why they are being given this authority.

Understanding the Place of Israel
There remains considerable confusion in the church today about the place of Israel in God’s purposes for these times. On one side there are those who hold to what is called “Replacement Theology” in which the church has replaced Israel in God’s purposes. On the other extreme, there are those who hold to what I call “Replacement, Replacement Theology” in which Israel replaces the church and its purposes. Like many such doctrines, there are some Scriptures that may seem to imply both of these views, but neither will hold up with the Scriptures as a whole. Like many such controversies, the truth lies somewhere between the extremes.

To accurately understand the unfolding prophecies of these times, I personally believe that the convergence of purposes of both Israel and the church must be understood. Neither replaces the other, but rather they will both come into a unity as they move toward their purpose.

Just as I do not come into unity with my wife by trying to make her into a man, but rather by understanding and appreciating the differences, so that my strengths can make up for her weaknesses, and her strengths can make up for my weaknesses, the ultimate unity of the church and Israel will be a unity of diversity, not conformity.

Christians who begin to see the purposes of God in Israel, and then start trying to be Jewish, are understandably an affront to both Jews and Christians. Neither should Jews, who come to the knowledge of the Messiah, be compelled to give up their heritage as Jews. This was at least one obvious reason why the Lord had apostles to the Jews, and apostles to the Gentiles. We also see that there were different requirements for Jews and Gentiles in the first century in regard to customs. This is why the letter in Acts 15 that was sent out by the apostles and elders of Jerusalem was sent to “the brethren...who are from the Gentiles...” (Acts 15:23) making no mention of the brethren who were Jews.

Having said that, one of the great signs of the last days, and one of the great evidences of the maturity of the church, is going to be her unity of purpose with Israel. We see this as central themes in both the New Testament and the Old, which we will take time to examine in some depth in this study.

As those of you who have been reading this Word for the Week know, I like to use this format for some in-depth studies. Even though I try to make each week’s message a complete teaching, I also like to link them together for addressing a deeper theme. For this reason, as we establish through the Scriptures a biblical world view for our times, including the last day purposes of Israel and the church, we also want to do a general study of biblical eschatology, which is a study of the biblical prophecies of the last days.

A Warning
I also feel compelled to emphasize again that we are not warring against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers in high places (see Ephesians 6:12). The individuals who are being used by the “Haman spirit” I have referred to may not know it or understand it, even if they are promoting policies that will place Israel in jeopardy. Many of those who are being used in this way are probably doing this out of sincere beliefs that the interests of Israel are in conflict with the interests of the United States, or the nations that they represent. The greatest victory of all will come from awakening these people to how they are being used by the evil one, and bring them to repentance. Therefore, we “pray for,” all who are in authority, not against them.

I would also like to emphasize that America’s power and future is truly being threatened by some who are misguidedly thinking they are protecting their nation’s interests. America’s power as the only true superpower will collapse as fast as the British Empire, or the Soviet Union’s did, if we keep pursuing policies that threaten Israel. The Lord has made it clear in Scripture by the most solemn oaths that He will protect Israel, and that He will use Israel to assay the nations, even determining whether they should exist or not. These are some of the Scriptures that we want to examine.

This is not to imply that we should have a knee jerk response to anything negative that is said about Israel, or that we should totally support everything Israel does. True friends can rebuke and chastise each other when it is needed.

However, America is treading dangerously close to the line that would make her an obstacle to God’s purposes in these times. We have gone beyond just chastising a friend, and our only true friend in that most strategic region, but we have begun to jeopardize the very existence of Israel with some policies that we are trying to force on them. There are abundant biblical warnings about the severity of the consequences of any nation that does this. These are some of the Scriptures we want to examine while seeking to lay a solid, biblical foundation for a world-view that is in agreement with God’s stated purposes in Scripture, and not the news media’s, or a government’s.

It should certainly be our prayer that the United States will continue its courageous role in standing for what is right, even when it is against much of the world’s opinions, or actions. This country can rise to even greater heights of power and influence if we stay in harmony with the purposes of God in the last days. There are some “kingdoms of this world” that will “become the kingdom of our Lord” (Revelation 11:15). This “become” implies a transformation. This must be our prayer and devotion, but we want our positions to have a solid biblical foundation, which is what we will seek to do in the weeks ahead.