Sep 7
Rick Joyner

A couple of weeks ago I wrote that the aid the United States was giving to Israel was not aid, but the repayment of a debt. My reasoning for this is because a little known fact about the Revolutionary War is that George Washington’s Continental Army was chiefly financed by a Jewish man named Haim Solomon. Solomon did this because he foresaw that the United States would become a haven for the persecuted Jewish people. Solomon died destitute because he had expended his entire fortune for this purpose. I have not yet been able to find out how much he gave, and how much that would be today with the accrued interest, but I believe we would find it very close to what we have been giving to Israel.

So does that mean the United States owes this debt? Yes. This is a basic kingdom principle that is important for us to understand if we are going to comprehend the basis for the events at the end of this age. Our reason for this study is more than just trying to understand what is going to happen in the last days, but why. We want to gain an understanding of the principles and actions that are leading to the coming events so we can be in unity with the Lord and His purposes.

The laws of sowing and reaping are primary forces in all that comes to pass at the end of the age, both for good and evil. Another primary principle that is leading many of the events at the conclusion of this age is God’s justice. We also must remember that His justice is eternal, which means that there are no time limits on when justice should be reckoned. These two principles are crucial to keep in mind throughout this study, and if we are wise, throughout our own lives.

As the Lord said in Matthew 13:39, “...the harvest is the end of the age...” The harvest is the reaping of everything that has been sown, the good and the evil. Both are coming to full maturity at this time. This includes religions, philosophies, authorities, cultural traditions, and so on. They will all become clear for what their nature really is as this maturity takes place.

In Psalm 89:14 we are told, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne...” When we talk about the end of this age, we are really talking about the beginning of the age to come, which is the age in which Jesus will rule with His bride over the earth. He is coming to set up His kingdom. In preparation for that, all things must be revealed in their true nature so that the righteousness and justice of the Lord, which is coming, will be clearly seen.

We also read in the second part of Psalm 89:14, “...mercy and truth go before Your face” (NKJV). This might have been translated, “the mercy of truth goes before you.” Before the Lord sends judgment, He has always been merciful enough to send truth first. His truth is mercy. The truth is to bring conviction and repentance so that He will not have to send judgment. This is mercy because by the laws of justice He does not have to do this—we deserve to reap what we have been sowing.

In my perception of God’s timetable, He has been showing mercy and sending us truth for a very long time. It will not last forever. For many, even many who claim to be Christians, Ecclesiastes 8:11 has been true, “Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil.” One part of the Lord’s mercy as we get closer to the change of the age is that the consequences of our actions will start coming faster. This is mercy.

One primary factor through which the Lord is going to assay the nations is by their treatment of the Jewish people. The Lord promised Abraham that his seed would be a blessing to all of the nations on the face of the earth, and they have been. Not only did we receive our Savior, and the Scriptures through them, but they have also been a blessing culturally, economically, and are usually the very finest citizens in every nation in which they have sojourned, truly seeking the good of those nations. How the nations treat them is a very good barometer as to whether that nation has the potential to “become the kingdom of our Lord” (Revelation 11:15) or not. Those who do not qualify will be destroyed as nations, as is made clear in the Scripture. The destiny of all nations is truly being weighed in the balance now.

I am purposely painting with a very broad brush at this time. I am trying to sow some thoughts for consideration, but intend to fully establish each one in the Scriptures in the weeks ahead. The goal is to give us a sound biblical worldview that is a paradigm from which coming events can be better understood, as well as the timetables of God on the earth.