May 6
Rick Joyner

     Last week, we discussed scenarios of how the needed corrections to our government could come from within the government, starting with the three branches of the federal government. This week, we will look at what could be done if that does not happen.

     The next best alternative would be for state government leaders to awaken to what has been done to our Republic, and a movement begun to to recover their authority that was usurped by the federal government. The federal government was created by the states, not the other way around. Under the Constitution, the only authority that the federal government has is what is specified in the Constitution, which was limited by intent. All other authority remained with the states and the people.

     There could also be a combination of leaders from the different branches of the federal government who join with state leaders to save the Republic. That would take some of the greatest leadership since the Founders, if not even greater. Since good leadership is a blessing from God, we should not count that out just because there does not seem to be such leadership on the radar at this time. We must appeal to God.

     I have known many people who were great leaders with courage and wisdom who ran for office and went to Washington. It was not long before they could only think politically, not as the leaders they once were. The beast that our federal government has become seems to devour any who come to it. Right now there is little reason to think our dysfunctional government can make the dramatic but necessary corrections on its own.

     If the government does not soon begin its own radical reformation, the people will do it. This will be another revolutionary/civil war, and that is where we are headed. I was given a vivid revelation of how this would happen several years ago, but I did not realize what I was seeing at the time, and that it applied to us. Now I do and will share it later in this study.

     As painful, costly, and destructive as it will likely be if our government leaders do not bring the restoration, for the people to do it would be the most effective way to restore the Republic and set our course toward fulfilling our destiny. Many of “the people” who do this will be the wealthiest and most successful, just as it was in the first revolution. Some who do the greatest exploits will come from the lowest, just as it was in the first revolution.

     We also need to address some important questions, such as how to have another revolutionary/civil war without it fueling the anarchy and lawlessness that is growing so fast, or succumbing to the same political spirit that seems to devour anyone who exercises civil authority in these times. This does not seem humanly possible, so we are again cast in dependence upon God, which seems to be His intent. Wasn’t this the case with the Founders? The scattered and divided colonies had no earthly chance in taking on the most powerful empire in the world at the time. This simply is not possible without God, and we need to remember that.

     Yet, God uses people to do His work. Friends have commented that we need another George Washington. I personally think we will need a combination of Washington, Lincoln, Moses, and the Apostle Paul. Even Washington needed the great company of remarkable leaders that all of the Founders were. Where are those of such a stature today that could pull off something like this? I think they are likely in the same place they were in 1775—hidden from everyone, including themselves, until the fullness of time came.

     Regardless of how confusing and hard things may get, never forget that fixing our little issues here would be a very easy thing for the One who upholds the universe with His power. He seems to have wanted us to come to the place where there is just no way we can be saved without Him. There really never is, but there are some where it is more obvious than others, such as the one we’re discussing.

     This does not mean that we do not have a part to play. Of course we do. He sent us The Helper, not The Doer. The Lord will help if we do our part. So what is our part?

  1. Obey II Chronicles 7:14.

  1. Have faith in God.

  1. Do our due diligence and get the education we need to discuss this with our circle of influence.

  1. Resolve to stand for the truth with boldness as we are given the grace to see it.

  1. Join with other groups or associations that are gathering to become educated and take action, such as contacting lawmakers, judges, and other officials to help educate them, or at least begin a dialogue.

  1. Resolve to never give up, for the sake of our families, our fellow citizens, and all of those who risked their lives, or give them, for the Republic we were given.

  1. Always keep in mind that “the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” That is loving God. There is none more deserving.

More will become clear as we get engaged and start moving again toward our national purpose.