Mar 2
Rick Joyner

As we have discussed, man was created to be a social creature. But to be complete, we need a relationship with God first. Without this no human being can ever be all that they were created to be. Next we need relationships with other people. These can be of many different types and depths, but basically we were created to need both God and one another.

The ultimate fulfillment for both of the most basic human needs in relationships is found in the body of Christ. A healthy church life is therefore essential for a healthy life. As it is intended to be, the church is the most brilliant, ingenious, powerful, social entity ever created. Of course, only God could have ever thought of such a thing that would so perfectly fit the needs of man.

Social club memberships do give some people a sense of identity and belonging. Membership in certain clubs can raise one’s social standing. However, there is no club on earth that comes even close to being what the church is designed to be. Our verse for this week, Ephesians 5:30, emphasizes the most exalted, esteemed, and important group that anyone on earth could ever be joined to:

because we are members of His body.

The “because” in this verse refers to our studies of the previous two weeks—why men should love their wives as Christ loves the church, and why women should respect their husbands even as they do the Lord. However, this “because” should also be the motivation for every endeavor of our life.

For example, a member of the United States Senate has to consider this position in almost everything they do. What they say about almost everything carries weight because of their position. Their behavior can reflect on the whole nation for good or bad. How much more should membership in the body of Christ govern our behavior and words?

In all of creation, Christ is the most exalted except for the Father Himself. Even the most glorious and powerful angelic majesties bow in homage to Him. All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him. There is no president or king who has ever come close to the glory or majesty of our King. The most remarkable thing of all is that we are not just called to be His subjects, but actual members of His body—His very person! How much more should all that we do be governed by this one thing.

Of course these terms are metaphorically speaking, just as we are also called His sheep, bride, His city, His field, etc. Even so, they are metaphors, which are intended to convey a profound truth. Just as we may think in our minds, but take action through the members of our bodies, Jesus does the same. When He moves on the earth, He does it through His people.

Just as the hand does not take its instructions from the leg, foot, or even the wrist to which it is directly connected, but gets its orders directly from the head, every member of His body must likewise have their own direct communication with the Head. We may be joined to others, but we must all have a relationship to God that is direct as well.

It is true the church has drifted far from what it was intended to be over the church age, but before the end of this age the body of Christ is going to arise to be all that it was created to be. Just as we marvel at athletes who have remarkable coordination and ability, the whole world is going to marvel at the coordination and ability of the body of Christ. In fact, we can be sure that no human body could ever match what the Lord is going to do through His body.

It is for this reason that it is crucial for us to find our place in His body, and develop to the fullest our relationship with Him, and with His people from the position of the part of His body to which we are called to be. Basically this all comes down to relationships. If we are not growing in these relationships, then we are not growing toward our ultimate purpose.

Of course, as our text over the last couple of weeks has emphasized, our human relationships need to start with our marriages. However, this is not an “either/or” situation. Our marriages will not be healthy if we do not first have a relationship to the Lord, and to the other members of His body. Those who overly focus on their marriage to the exclusion of others are only weakening their marriage.

We were designed to be the temple of the Lord, and just as His temple had three levels that ranged from the highest level of intimacy in the Holy of Holies, to the Outer Court which allowed just about everyone in, we need to have all of these levels of relationships to be what we were created to be—His temple.