• Mar
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 13
    by Rick Joyner

            As previously covered, two of the Greek words translated “church” in the New Testament are ecclesia and koinoniaEcclesia is the structure and government of the church, and koinonia is the church bonding together in love. Which is the most important? We are called to be a family first, not an organization, but we do need organization, too.

            True koinonia is rare in the church today, because most of our emphasis is on organization, the ecclesia. This will change at the end of this age, when the main emphasis of church life will be loving God and one another. This is...

  • Mar
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 12
    by Rick Joyner

         We concluded last week’s Word for the Week asking why we might find ten people who will applaud the Ephesians 4 vision for the body of Christ for every one who will actually find their part in the body, get equipped for it, and then function in it. This may be the most important question we can ask today. The first answer is that the Lord’s exhortation to “seek first His kingdom” (see Matthew 6:33) will result in us seeking our place in His body, which is the first place His kingdom is manifested today. If we are in our right place in His body,...

  • Mar
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 11
    by Rick Joyner

             Continuing with our theme of new covenant church life, there are two Greek words translated “church” or “fellowship” in the New Testament. The first, ecclesia, represents government and structure, and koinonia is the bonding and vital union of the church members. 

             In much of the present structure of church in the West, ecclesia is usually emphasized over koinonia. However, as we read last week in I John 1:7, it is koinonia that determines whether we are walking in the light. So, if we do not start with koinonia as the basis and foundation of our life together, it may be hard to...

  • Mar
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 10
    by Rick Joyner

             Because the Lord is building His church out of living stones—people—the great works He is building will not be completed quickly, or easily. Those who leave during the process, before the body of Christ has become what we are called to be, will not likely be part of the church at the end. They will more likely be part of those who persecute it. 

             However, not all who leave a local body of believers are leaving the Lord’s will. We must leave room for the Holy Spirit to place members of...

  • Feb
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 9
    by Rick Joyner

             Human idealism is one of the worst enemies of truth and perhaps the biggest deceiver of zealous Christians. Zeal is not the problem, since the exhortation to overcome lukewarmness is to “be zealous therefore and repent” (see Revelation 3:19). We could use more zeal in these times, and our King deserves it. However, sometimes if the enemy cannot stop us, he will get behind us and push us too far. This is how he often trips up the zealous. 

             Some Christians have a vision for what the church is supposed to be like...