• Oct
    Signs of the Kingdom, Part XXIV
    by Rick Joyner

         I have had several prophetic experiences where I was caught up in the heavenly realm. Each was unique. From this I have concluded that the geography of heaven is far more diverse than the geography of earth, and it is seemingly endless in its marvels. I have no trouble believing that we can spend eternity there and never be bored, but rather be exhilarated far beyond what our present, earthly capacities can fathom. 

         Still, the experience I am about to share with you is the most wonderful of all. I was shown that we can...

  • Oct
    Signs of the Kingdom, Part XXIII
    by Rick Joyner

             In a previous study, we considered that only a small fraction of what many consider to be the church is actually the true church. This has been verified with studies which have found that only a small fraction of evangelical church members are even born again. Believing and living a doctrine are not the same. 

             In a two-and-a-half-day prophetic experience I had in 1987, I was shown a panoramic view of coming events which have unfolded since that time. I wrote about this in my second book, The Harvest. In this vision, I...

  • Sep
    Signs of the Kingdom, Part XXII
    by Rick Joyner

             A vision of the perfect church is likely as varied as the people who occupy it. That’s the way it should be! The Lord made each of us unique, so we should expect each to have a unique perspective on what the perfect church looks like. 

             Since many believe unity is a primary factor for the perfect church, let’s begin with this. Likewise, there are as many different ideas of what “perfect unity” looks like as there are people in a church. For example, unity by conformity can look more like...

  • Sep
    Signs of the Kingdom, Part XXI
    by Rick Joyner

             This week we will look at a very radical view of the church. First, there is merit and benefit to any who gather in any form of church out of the desire to know and please Him. One might even get more “martyr points” for joining a dry, seemingly lifeless congregation. However, the model of New Testament church life we see in Scripture is the opposite of dry and boring; it is the most exciting and fulfilling community of people ever. Why settle for anything less?

             Perhaps the most corrupting influence that has robbed Christians...

  • Sep
    Signs of the Kingdom, Part XX
    by Rick Joyner

             The ideal church to us may be far different from the ideal church to the Lord as His temple. Idealism can be the worst enemy of revelation. Revelation comes from God; idealism comes from men. The greatest ideals of men fall short of what God does and can even hinder His work. We must pursue His plans, not just something new or different we think might be better.

             Jesus, the most perfect man ever, was rejected by the idealistic leaders of His time, while the common, “untrained,” or “unlearned” people embraced...