• Feb
    Judgement Begins With Justice
    by Rick Joyner

    We have been studying how racism will play a major part in the last days, as the Lord indicated in Matthew 24:7: "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” As we studied, the Greek word translated “nation” in this verse is ethnos from which we derive our English word “ethnic.” This is speaking of ethnic conflicts being one of the major signs of the end times. We also examined some of the roots of this most tragic evil, and how we must be free of...

  • Feb
    Liberty and Truth
    by Rick Joyner

    All of creation is a witness that it is fundamental to the nature of God to love diversity and creativity. He makes every snowflake different, every tree different, and every human being different. There are no two hills, streams, or lakes alike. This must cause us to ask another one of those ultimate questions: “If God so loves diversity and creativity, why is the church, which is supposed to be His representative on the earth, so boringly uniform?”

    This reflects one of the great tragedies in how the church has come to misrepresent God on the earth. Where does this...

  • Feb
    The Great Deception
    by Rick Joyner

    Our study of the end times is for the purpose of not only knowing what is going to come to pass, but to be prepared for it. For this reason we will seek to go a little deeper in our understanding of the stronghold of racism, which Scripture indicates to be one of the major forces bringing destruction at the end of this age.

    To be prepared for this evil power, we must first become free of it. The first principle of true freedom is
    . Truth is our most basic...

  • Jan
    The Deadly Enemy
    by Rick Joyner

    In the next verse of the Lord’s discourse concerning the end of the age, and after saying there will be “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6) He speaks of the issue that will cause most of the wars and conflicts.

    "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...” (Matthew 24:7).

    The Greek word that is translated “nation” here is ethnos from which we derive the English word, “ethnic.” He is specifically speaking

  • Jan
    Rumors of Reality
    by Rick Joyner

    In the next verse of the Lord’s discourse concerning the end of the age, He says:

    "And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end” (Matthew 24:6).

    We must consider that the Lord says this right after He exhorts us not to be deceived. Because war is the worst of all judgments, the most terrible of all conditions that we can be caught in, it is