• Jan
    The Greatest Year
    by Rick Joyner

             This can be our greatest year! In the world it will be one of the most challenging, but we cannot have great victories without great battles. Challenges are coming, and we can choose their outcome in our lives by our faith, vision, and resolve, or lack thereof. Thus, for our first few Words for the Week (WFTW) we will review what will help us make the right choices, so this truly becomes the best year of our lives and lays a foundation for making...

  • Dec
    Choices, Part 32
    by Rick Joyner

    Last week we began with Hebrews 12:26-29 and the shaking of everything that can be shaken, which we are now experiencing. Since the foundation of every republic or democratic form of government is the integrity of its elections, with each new U.S. election, American trust has been more deeply shaken. Where is this leading?

    We also began to address the remarkable findings of Marc Nuttle’s America’s Values Study carried out by...

  • Dec
    Choices, Part 31
    by Rick Joyner

    Hebrews 12:26-29 is a poignant portrayal of what is happening in our own times, including a hope that can keep us stable even in the most troubling times:

    And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.”


  • Dec
    Choices, Part 30
    by Rick Joyner

    The apostle Paul taught that the human body is a type or model of the Lord’s body, the church. Just as the human body is made up of many parts which function differently but fit together to make one body, so is the church. Just as our body is a unity of diversity and not conformity, so is His body. So, why doesn’t the body of Christ  reflect this?


  • Dec
    Choices, Part 29
    by Rick Joyner

    The river of life is a river, not a lake or a pond. It is always moving, flowing, going somewhere. Such will be the nature of the congregations that are being built by the Lord. Even if a congregation has not seen all the characteristics listed last week, if it is moving forward in its faith and love for God, it will in due time.

    The Lord builds His church...