Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Crossing Over

As we have covered, one of the primary characteristics between those who serve the Lord, and those who serve the devil, will be distinguished by the respect for life. Jesus came to give life, and the devil comes to destroy. As we proceed toward the harvest, the full maturity of all that has been sown in man, the good and the evil, will be witnessed by the power of life and the power of death as never before,. Even so, life is stronger than death, and life will ultimately prevail. However, until the ultimate victory, death will fill the earth as never before.

Day 53 - The Sum Is Truth

In John 10:35 Jesus said, "... the Scripture cannot be broken." None of God's truths are isolated. They are all interrelated and do not stand alone: As Psalm 119:160 states it: "The sum of Thy word is truth." All of Scripture fits together in the most intricate, beautiful, harmonious pattern, just like the balance of nature in the creation. Balance is an important word if we are to understand and walk in biblical truth.

Being His Bondservant- The Greatest Christian Life, Part 19

         Last week I shared how I had built a successful business while running from my calling. When the Lord finally confronted me and asked me to put my business on the altar, it quickly collapsed. This was also an answer to my prayer, though I was not expecting it to work out like that. Because of the business, I had many entanglements and obligations I asked the Lord to deliver me from so I could return to my calling. I just did not expect the answer to come that fast, but it was right. The judgments of the Lord are always right.

The Lessons of Hurricane Katrina, Part 1

As more than a million people are trying to cope with being homeless, separated from loved ones, and in many, many cases, the loss of loved ones, the nation must begin to cope with issues that can either tear us apart or enable us to emerge more unified, stronger, and better than ever. To do this we must understand what happened and what did not happen. Every Christian needs to also understand why this happened.

Facing Our Fears

Because the Lord has already spoken to us about the events that are now coming to pass, we have been researching prophetic words previously published by us. I have been amazed, and encouraged by how clearly the Lord has spoken about them, and given us directions on how to be prepared for what is to come. We will be republishing many of these words in future bulletins, and even republishing some of our prophetic books such as The Harvest, and Epic Battles of the Last Days, adding to them the now abundant additional understanding that we have.

The Authority of Our King - The Great Commission, Part 4

          Last week we began to consider the first sentence of “The Great Commission”: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (see Matthew 28:18). This is probably much more than we can even comprehend in this life. Even so, it is the foundation upon which the rest of the mandate is based, so we should seek to not only understand it, but to let it be a guiding principle of our lives.