May 19 WEEK 20 The Highway—Heritage Brief 20 by Rick Joyner As covered, with the development of the free market, ideas became the most valuable assets. Those who had valuable ideas were a small percentage of the population, but the opportunity to invest in them, and thereby profit from them, was open to all. Multitudes in “the free world” did just that. This caused more wealth to spread to more people than ever before in history, and in the most organic and natural way. Of course, these developments were not limited to America, but the freedom in America, and the security provided there for private property, ultimately made... READ MORE May 12 WEEK 19 The Trap—Heritage Brief 19 by Rick Joyner The development of the free market sparked the creation of many new products and services by releasing people to take initiative and be creative. As the main currency of this new and bold economy became stocks and bonds of the companies that produced and marketed these products, the stock and bond markets became the depository for most of the wealth of the entire developing world. As these markets could be accessed by virtually everyone in “the free world,” a large percentage of the population took advantage of this and started to... READ MORE May 05 WEEK 18 The Choice—Heritage Brief 18 by Rick Joyner At the time of The American Revolution, every other nation was built on the principle of controlling the people as their first duty. The sovereign and his nobles owned everything, and virtually no one was free to choose the course of their life, where they lived, or even their vocations. Before The American Revolution, there had not been a successful government that was based on freedom first, even though this was a desire of most people. Why had this not worked when most people wanted it? A main reason was that those who sought to... READ MORE Apr 28 WEEK 17 Free Trade—Heritage Brief 17 by Rick Joyner You can have an economy without a government, but you cannot have a government without an economy. The economy is more basic than government as it is built on basic human transactions, trading and interchange. This is what binds people together into communities. The majority of all communication today is about some form of trade or business. After family ties, business is the strongest human link. For this reason, understanding the economy is essential to understanding a nation—if that nation’s economy has been allowed to grow organically and has not had Marxism or other forms... READ MORE Apr 21 WEEK 16 Freedom Creates—Heritage Brief 16 by Rick Joyner For the nearly six thousand years of recorded history, wealth was measured in such things as property, livestock, precious metals, precious stones, and later coins issued by governments. In the Middle Ages, bank notes started to be issued as currency. In just the last couple hundred years, an amazing new commodity has grown to become the most valuable of all. That commodity is ideas. Today, an idea can have almost unlimited value. As ideas became so valuable, the opportunity to acquire and grow wealth became available to virtually anyone with initiative. It did not matter how... READ MORE « first ‹ … 10 11 12 … › last »