Jun 23 WEEK 25 The Ultimate Battle—Heritage Brief 25 by Rick Joyner For most of our history, America was considered the most positive, visionary nation on earth. A study released in 2019 declared America to be the most negative nation on earth. What has happened to us? Where did this plague of cynicism come from? What does this mean for our future? Virtually every psychological study concludes that the most creative and productive people are those with a positive outlook on life. They also tend to be the happiest. Those with a negative outlook are rarely found among the high-impact, creative, and most productive people. ... READ MORE Jun 16 WEEK 24 Unity in Reality—Heritage Brief 24 by Rick Joyner We are the United States of America. Whether looking at our history or the present, one might think we are more divided than united. Actually, we are united in much more than we are divided about, and always have been. To have fifty independent states join together as a nation is a historic anomaly. To hold together for as long as we have is a historic miracle. Will this miracle continue? Every generation has had to decide this, and now it is our turn. Because the extremes in any group tend... READ MORE Jun 09 WEEK 23 The Bridge—Heritage Brief 23 by Rick Joyner The true nature of a person is determined by their actions, not just their beliefs or their words. Beliefs and words are important, but there is a reason why Jesus said we would know people by their fruit instead of by their beliefs or their words. If everyone was completely true to their beliefs and their words, we could know others by these, but most will say things and claim to believe things that their lives and actions do not reflect. The word “integrity” comes from the concept of wholeness. When our actions reflect our... READ MORE Jun 02 WEEK 22 The Great Debate—Heritage Brief 22 by Rick Joyner Like Christianity, science has a history of almost constant persecution from the institutions and governments that claimed dominion over it. With the birth of the American Republic and its devotion to liberty, threatened scientists found a haven in America just as the persecuted Christians had. Christianity and science in America were good friends for most of our history, as they both thrived where there was liberty. True science and true Christianity should be best friends. In their purest form, both are seekers of truth. In history, true Christians and true scientists... READ MORE May 26 WEEK 21 Treasure Hunting—Heritage Brief 21 by Rick Joyner Some of the greatest treasures of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and inspiration are found in history. Studying history is like mining for gold. It is work and requires patience, but what makes something a treasure is that it is either rare or hard to get to. That which is common, or easy to find, has less value. This is just as true with the treasures of history—the harder the work and the more patience required makes what we find even more valuable. One method of mining for gold is called “panning.” By... READ MORE « first ‹ … 9 10 11 … › last »