- Aug 4Week 31Three Pillars—Heritage Brief 31
The American Republic grew into nationhood like no other nation in recorded history. The English colonies were given the freedom of religion and self-government in their charters. Other nations that attained any degree of these usually did so over centuries, or even millennia, of tedious and relentless struggle, but America was born with them.
As a result, the first generations of Americans grew up with freedoms greater than had been experienced anywhere else in the world. They breathed the air of liberty from the day they were born and were, therefore, quick to recognize and resist the foul stench of oppression.
The conflict that led to the War of Independence was the result of the British king starting to arbitrarily negate the rights that had been given to the colonists in their charters. The Declaration of Independence was basically a declaration of a breach of contract by the British king. Much of it was repeating back to the king the rights given to the colonies in their charters and how the king had broken the contract. Their conclusion was that this legally freed the colonies from their ties to Britain.
As President Lincoln predicted, the greatest threat to the Republic would not come from enemies without, but from enemies within. How did these enemies within grow so numerous and strong as they have now become? How can we prevail against them?
The Republic will be preserved because “love never fails” (see I Corinthians 13:8) or, as this Scripture could have been translated, “love never quits.” There are enough who love liberty and love their country, so they will never give up and therefore they cannot fail. Even so, the most desperate struggle to survive has now come upon us. What we have to do may be simple, but it will not be easy.
A basic military principle declares that an enemy not seen cannot be defeated. The greatest threat to our existence has grown strong and numerous almost without notice. This has come through a subtle but continuous indoctrination of America by the deadliest social poison ever devised for destroying nations and cultures—Marxist socialism. Marxist socialism has a core purpose of totalitarian world domination and they see America as the greatest obstacle standing in their way. So we have been the main target from the beginning of their toxic philosophy.
Most who have been drinking Marxist poison do not know that the source of the principles they have been indoctrinated with are Marxist. Most are served just enough to make them responsive and compliant to slogans and superficial emotional appeals to make them into, what Lenin called “the useful idiots.” Marxists do not want those they seek to control to know what Marxism really is because most would reject it. They just want their followers to be compliant.
Just as the best way to kill a plant is to cut it off from its roots, the best way to destroy a nation is to cut it off from its history and heritage. So, the first goal of the Marxists is to sever the people from their history and their heritage by either having them neglect these, or revising them to cause the people to despise them.
This attack on America has been intentional, systematic, and effective. Marxism is now a main course being served in our public schools and universities. From the earliest ages, our children are fed a revised history that has made the good seem evil and the evil seem good. The result is that even elementary students start to hate their own country. This makes them open and responsive to almost any alternative doctrine.
This is a three-pronged attack. This anti-American propaganda in American schools is fortified by a subtle inculcation through the media, movies, and television. Now this poison has so permeated our country that it may seem impossible to counter. Actually, we have been given an antidote to this poison that will surely work against it.
The truth is stronger than any lie. A love for the truth is more contagious than the mindless addiction to the superficial slogans of our adversaries. Consider how just two beat-up apostles armed with the truth could limp into a city and the officials of the most powerful empire in the world would cry out in terror that “those who have turned the world upside down have now come here to us!” A single person armed with the truth and the favor of God who is The Truth can defeat the world’s most powerful armies.
Only the truth can set us free and keep us free. However, to have the truth we must love it enough to seek it diligently and then defend it. A person will quit if motivated by anything else but love. A person in love will never quit and love will never fail.
We must love the truth enough to refuse to compromise it, regardless of the cost. This is what the first colonists to North America were armed with. This gave them the resolve to defend their “new world” from what had dominated the old. They laid a foundation upon the truth, and that foundation is strong enough to endure every test.
During the War for Independence, the world watched in astonishment as the colonies fought on after years of continuous crushing defeats. The world could not comprehend what motivated this kind of endurance. The world did not understand how liberty could be so precious because they had experienced so little of it. The Americans had known too much of it to ever surrender it.
Some historians have asserted that if victory for the colonists had not come when it did, their capitulation to the British was imminent. The truth is that if the war had gone on for many more years the Americans would have fought on. Why? They loved their liberty with such deep convictions they declared that it would be better to die than surrender it. For them, quitting was not an option.
How many are needed with such conviction and resolve to preserve the Republic in our time against the great onslaught we are now facing? Not many. History testifies that even a tiny percentage of those with deep and passionate conviction will prevail against any number of those who are shallow. As long as the love for liberty is found in any, we can count on the truth that “love never fails.” Just a few who love their country and love freedom will not fail, regardless of the odds against them. Our Founding Fathers proved this.
It is from within, among yourselves—from cupidity, from corruption, from disappointed ambition and inordinate thirst for power—that factions will be formed and liberty endangered. It is against such designs, whatever disguise the actors may assume, that you have to especially guard yourselves from. You have the highest of human trusts committed to your care. Providence has showered on this favored land blessings without number, and has chosen you as the guardians of freedom, to preserve for the benefit of the human race. May He who holds in His hands the destinies of nations make you worthy of the favors He has bestowed and enable you, with pure hearts and pure hands, and sleepless vigilance, to guard and defend to the end of time the charge He has committed to your keeping. —President Andrew Jackson in his farewell address
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