A geopolitical shift has taken place at the end of 2015 that could change the world more than we have seen since the collapse of the Iron Curtain. Core beliefs and values are being challenged across the globe. With such a major change of direction happening, where are we headed?
The following are the five major events that will likely define our immediate future and impact world affairs for the foreseeable future. These are listed in the sequence they occurred, not necessarily the sequence of importance or impact:
1)China stock market crashes
2)Falling energy prices
3)Russian military intervention into the...
“There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
James Madison
In the core foundations a society is built on, America is in a decline. This includes government, business, education, and security (crime and national defense). Attesting to the warning of Madison above, the slide began over fifty years ago. It has gradually but relentlessly picked up speed, mirrored by a continual spiritual and moral deterioration and a steady decoupling from our Constitution.
We can...
When the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) declared same-sex marriage to be a constitutional right, it was a slap in the face to the laws of God and man. It was a direct frontal assault on both religious freedom and the Constitution of the United States, undercutting the very foundations on which they stand. This is a brief on the consequences of this momentous decision using “The Three Questions” from the U.S. Army Manual for addressing a crisis. Those questions are:
1) What is happening?
2) What is not...
In Revelation 13 it is prophesied that at the end of the age there will be a false prophet that arises to prepare for and give power to one called “the beast.” This “beast” deceives the nations and requires all to take a mark, 666. Without this mark no one can “buy, sell, or trade.” This “mark of the beast” has been a dominant subject in eschatology (the study of biblical prophecies of the end of the age) since the first century, and many things have been called this that turned out not to be so. However, we...
This concise and clear statement on the implications of the coming Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage could be the biggest blow in recent history to religious freedom in America. This may truly be what some are calling it--"A Bonhoeffer Moment." This is a must read for every Christian in America. - Rick Joyner
Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage ThreatBy Rick Scarborough, James Dobson, and Matt Staver, with comments by James Robinson and Rick...