• Oct
    Strategic Prophetic Word - Europe - France
    by Rick Joyner

    A bold new generation of leaders is about to emerge in France. They will discern and respond to the same prophecy as Joan of Arc, discerning the true King, being willing to fight and sacrifice all to see Him exalted over France. This movement will spark the final reformation movement to sweep the church worldwide. It will be fueled by the restoration of the knowledge of God’s love. The Lord has saved His best wine for last, and France will be a primary source of it.

    There will be a revival of the French Foreign Legion (FFL), which...

  • Oct
    Strategic Prophetic Word - CIS - Russia
    by Rick Joyner

    Russia will be the host of the greatest revival that the world has yet seen. Because of it, the soul of the nation will be transcendent, overcoming many of the great problems of the times and helping many other nations to do the same.

    Preceding this, Russia has a very difficult road ahead, with some tragic events looming. Eventually the road will become smoother. God’s grace is extended toward Russia, and He is the One who put in Putin. She has at times tottered on the brink of anarchy, but she will grow in stability and wisdom and...

  • Oct
    Strategic Prophetic Word - Asia - Taiwan
    by Rick Joyner

    I saw the island of Taiwan turn into a beautiful sailing ship. It was sailing on waters that changed from blue to green over and over. It was moving at a good speed but its sails became tattered and the hull of the ship worn and battered. Soon it was barely moving, but was just drifting with the currents. A harbor came into sight and it drifted toward the harbor while the harbor started moving toward it. Then the ship slipped into a dock that seemed to have been made to fit it perfectly. There, it was very quickly...

  • Sep
    9/11 Next Year
    by Rick Joyner

    September 11, 2001 is called “the day that changed the world forever.” It has also been called a “defining moment” in history. Now we must ask two questions. Have the changes been good? How have we let these events define us?

    If you are wondering what good could come from such diabolical acts, it is understandable. However, Romans 8:28 states, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” We know this is true for individuals, but can...

  • Aug
    The Burning Bush Ignites
    by Rick Joyner

    Since the last bulletin in which I addressed the jeopardy of the Bush presidency, and the Republican Party, there has been a noteworthy surge of effort on the part of the President to confront the very issues discussed in that bulletin. There is no way that this is in response to the bulletin, because the effort he is now making required a great deal of forethought and planning. This should be interpreted as evidence that he is in touch with the basic economic issues and is taking decisive leadership action in confronting the problems.

    Just as stock market analysts must...