• Jan
    Restoring The Republic: Part I
    by Rick Joyner

            For many years now we have been saying that each year would be more challenging than the last. I don’t think we have been wrong yet. What can we expect for 2014? It will be even more challenging too, but that does not mean it will not be a great year. Keeping in mind that victories don’t come without battles, and no great victories without great battles, this is the year we can expect some breakthroughs and a turning. Now is the time to see these crises/opportunities and prepare for them.

             2013 gave us shocking revelations, unprecedented in...

  • Oct
    The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back
    by Rick Joyner


    My warning about martial law coming to America has created many questions that deserve answers. I will address some of these here, as well as further clarifying what I am predicting, and what I am not predicting that some have assumed that I am. I will then address what is causing this crisis, and what we need to do to be prepared for it.

    • I am not advocating martial law.
    • However, it is inevitable. If we are prepared, we can get through it and come out of it better, stronger, and continue
    • ...
  • Oct
    Martial Law
    by Rick Joyner

            A recent MorningStar TV Prophetic Perspectives program that I did on how martial law is coming to America has created quite a stir. Some were outraged and some glad that the obvious had been stated. Both of these responses are understandable. The stir that was created by this is encouraging. I obviously touched a nerve, as even the national news picked it up. At least for a moment, a lot of people are alert and listening.

              In the New Testament, it is recorded over twenty times that Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him...

  • Jul
    by Rick Joyner

             The word understanding came from the merging of two words, standing and under. The inference is that we cannot understand someone else until we stand in his or her place. To understand another, we must try to stop seeing from our perspective to see from theirs. With the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman tragedy, we have one of the greatest opportunities for understanding and a significant opportunity to gain a victory over racism.


    The Deadly Enemy

              Racism is one of the ultimate evils of the human heart. This is because racism is rooted in two of the...

  • Jul
    Too Big To See
    by Rick Joyner

         At this writing, the saga of Edward Snowden still dominates the news. There may have never been a more poignant example of how easily our media and our elected representatives can take their eyes off the ball and begin to major on minors. Snowden may be a traitor, or he may be a hero, but he is not the real story here. Chasing after the story of Snowden’s plight is like trying to swat a gnat when there is a lion charging you.

         No doubt Snowden revealed secret information illegally. That makes him a criminal, but how could...