• Sep
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 37
    by Rick Joyner

          This week, we are going to cover some important biblical prophecies about the end of the age. Some of what I will cover here may be challenging for those who have only been taught the modern evangelical/Pentecostal eschatology which became dominant in these parts of the church after the 1844 Advent Movement.

          This new eschatology, or theology about the end of the age,  attributed the books of Daniel and Revelation, and some biblical prophecies, as being almost exclusively about the very end of the age, which they considered to be imminent in 1844. This was in contrast...

  • Sep
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 36
    by Rick Joyner

          When we consider the Lord’s coming kingdom, it is important that we begin with what He has stated about its characteristics in the Scriptures, especially when clear definitions are given. We must not add or subtract from those, regardless of how ambiguous they may seem to us. It has been said that almost every heresy is the result of men trying to take to logical conclusions what God has only revealed in part. When God reveals something in part, He has a reason for it, and it is a huge presumption to think we can add to it....

  • Sep
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 35
    by Rick Joyner

          I am 75 years old—three-quarters of a century old—and think I may have lived the best life ever lived on the planet. It keeps getting better. I’ve had my share of trials, some of which I wondered if I would survive. However, I can affirm the promise in Romans 8:28, that “All things work together for good for those who love the Lord,” is true every time.

          I usually write these Words for the Week months before they’re published, and I marvel at how often they are timely. If I am correct about when this one will...

  • Aug
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 34
    by Rick Joyner

          How do we distinguish between the church that the Lord is building and the one that men are building? There is a saying that, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” The “good” side of the Tree of Knowledge is just as deadly as the “evil” side. The fruit of both is poison.

          This is not to say that all of man’s good works are attempts to circumvent the cross. One’s works can be good, but if they are not the good God has called us to do, they can be diversions from the path...

  • Aug
    Life in the New Covenant, Part 33
    by Rick Joyner

          We have been reduced to a world that now has only one hope that can keep us from the worst tyranny in history: a revival and an awakening that surpasses all previous ones. We need for the Lord to move as He has not done on the earth before, and that is what He plans to do.

          We need the greatest revival because we have fallen to the ultimate depravity—“calling evil good and good evil” and “honoring the dishonorable and dishonoring the honorable” (see Isaiah 5). As the book of Isaiah continues, this will cause the anger of...