• May
    The History and Future of the Present Revival, Part 5
    by Rick Joyner

    I have been receiving communications from around the United States and Europe that are all reporting the same thing—they are seeing healings and miracles on a level like they have never seen before. This is a time of a great visitation of God to His people. Even so, I remain convinced that what we are now experiencing is a birth pang, a spiritual contraction that is preparing us for the birth of an even greater move of God, which I expect to take place this September/October.

    The indications we have received especially point to September 21 as being a...

  • May
    The History and Future of the Present Revival, Part 4
    by Rick Joyner

    When I wrote the last Special Bulletin we were still wondering how long this present visitation of the Lord would last. Since then it has become obvious that this is much bigger than we were first seeing, and there is no end in sight. The breakout at Heritage is not only continuing, but is getting stronger. What we have spent most of our life praying for is now happening. What is breaking out now is bigger than us and is spreading across the land. This has all the signs of being the beginning of one of the greatest moves of...

  • May
    The History and Future of the Present Revival, Part 3
    by Rick Joyner

    We are now over two weeks into a visitation of God at Heritage. The power for healing and miracles and the manifest presence of the Lord is not abating, but seems to be still increasing. Deaf ears are being opened, paralyzed limbs are being restored, a woman who was legally blind and could only see people as forms while wearing her glasses, is now able to see people’s faces clearly without glasses. People are getting healed and do not even know it until they get home. Many of those web-streaming the meetings are experiencing the same presence and power of...

  • May
    The History and Future of the Present Revival, Part 2
    by Rick Joyner

    Old and New Treasures
    In the last Special Bulletin, I shared about the dream I had been given—that if we would honor the fathers, the Lord would release revival in America within six months. In this dream I was shown that the evangelists from the great Healing Revival of the 1940s and 1950s were the ones that we needed to honor. As an attempt to do this, we hosted an Honoring the Fathers Conference together with WhiteDove Ministries. The conference was extraordinary. We knew that we had touched on something crucial, and it may have been the...

  • Apr
    The History and Future of the Present Revival, Part 1
    by Rick Joyner

    An extraordinary move of God is now breaking out in America. The breakout in Lakeland has been spectacular and is growing fast. We are experiencing a breakout at our base at Heritage, which in some ways has already surpassed anything we have experienced before. It, too, seems to be growing in intensity, and people are starting to come from far distances to experience it. News about other moves of God is also beginning to show up on the spiritual radar.

    What does it mean? Where is it going? What will the fruit be? These are important questions for us...