• Apr
    A Breakout at Heritage
    by Rick Joyner

    An extraordinary move of God has broken out at our facilities at Heritage. We have experienced many great visitations of God in the past, but in some ways this one is more powerful and seems to be more enduring than anything we have known before.

    This breakout began when something like a whirlwind came into the Bible class of our K-12 school. Hearing the noise, students came running from other classes. Then students from our School of Ministry and our staff joined in. Hours later, when parents came to pick up their children, they ended up on the floor,...

  • Apr
    Discerning the Times
    by Rick Joyner

    By Rick Joyner

    A recent headline in the Fortune Magazine Management Section was "Wall Street in Chaos." The article expressed alarm at panic being shown by the government and the Feds in trying to compensate for the increasing meltdown caused by the sub-prime credit crisis. As I started sharing last year, this problem is much deeper than almost anyone has been considering. Presently, there does not seem to be anything working to stop the bleeding. The ultimate scary question asked in this article was, "Will there be a complete meltdown?"

    A meltdown in this case is...

  • Mar
    The Unshakeable Kingdom of God
    by Rick Joyner

    By David Yarnes

    This past season has been a challenging time for many believers. Our country has been facing what looks to be the beginning of a recession, which is unprecedented during an election year. Typically during an election year, officials do all they can to bolster the economy. At this point, all attempts have not been able to turn things around. Over the past year, we have seen foreclosures in record numbers as many were caught in the "subprime" fallout. Some areas have been experiencing foreclosures up as much as 75 percent.

    With all that is happening in...

  • Feb
    by Rick Joyner

    Change” has become the word for the hour in American politics. This is truly a time when major changes are needed in our government. We do not want to overlook the greatness of our federal government and all that it has accomplished. Furthermore, our federal government is the head of the greatest country in the world, possibly in world history. Even so, because of the huge amount of laws, regulations, and then counter regulations, it is now like a head that has grown far out of proportion to the rest of the body, and the body can no longer...

  • Jan
    Putting the Ax to the Root of the Tree
    by Rick Joyner

     The word for the hour in American politics has become “change.” There is a saying, “If you do not change your direction, you will end up where you are headed.” In many areas, we do need a change in our trajectory or we will end up where we do not want to be. Even so, before we start ran-domly changing our direction, we need to carefully determine where we want to be headed. Change can bring great rejuvenation if it is managed right, but it can bring devastation if it is not.

    Almost everyone in Russia wanted a...