• Jan
    Update on Paul Cain, Part 5
    by Rick Joyner

    In light of Paul Cain's recent announcement of restoration to ministry, we have been repeatedly asked for input. First, we rejoice in God's mercy that provides anyone with total forgiveness for any sin that is repented of. However, forgiveness of our sin is not the same as being restored to public ministry. We care much about Paul's life before God and his future ministry. We believe that his future ministry could far surpass his former ministry, if he allows the full restoration process to take place. Paul originally agreed to submit to Larry Alberts and his team in his...

  • Sep
    Recipe for Disaster
    by Rick Joyner

    The prayer that the Lord gave His people to pray was for His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (see Matthew 6:10). Having been most likely prayed by every Christian in history, we can be sure that this prayer will be answered. The kingdom is going to come, and no utopian philosophy has even proposed just how wonderful this world will actually be when it does. Of course, the great question is, when?

    The Lord assured His disciples that no man could know the day or hour in...

  • Aug
    Between Iraq and a Hard Place
    by Rick Joyner

    Has our policy in Iraq failed? Civil war in Iraq is now a reality; it is only left to be determined how long and devastating it will be. Even though there has been a noble attempt to avoid such an internal conflict, it was probably inevitable and should surprise no one. Even so, the progress toward stable and lasting reform in Iraq has been truly remarkable. In fact, things are going so well that we should not have much doubt that it is possible for Iraq to become one of the most stable and prosperous democracies in the world....

  • Aug
    Strategic Prophetic Words
    by Rick Joyner

    All but one of these prophecies came on Friday evening, August 4, 2006 at the School of the Spirit (SOS) meeting. – Robin McMillan

    Barcelona, Spain: The gates of the holy have been sealed in Barcelona, but those gates shall be broken wide open. I prophesy a move of the Spirit of God in that nation that begins in the slums of Barcelona and goes all the way to the seat of government.

    Grand Cayman Islands: I believe this is a time of a move of the Spirit for the Grand Caymans. Father, we...

  • Aug
    Strategic Prophetic Word - Europe - Norway/Sweden/Finland
    by Rick Joyner

    I am seeing the Scandinavian Nations—Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I am just going to prophesy revival in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I believe, Lord, You are showing me that there is a German who is going to have great influence and great anointing in the Scandinavian region. And so Father, I join with him now by faith, and I say "release that influence, release that power, release that proclamation" Lord for some transformation in those nations in the name of Jesus. And I get the name Marcus, I have no idea, but Lord if you are going to mark...